What do you think of this passage from Gone, Baby, Gone by Dennis Lehane?

A lot of things are worth dying for, Rachel Smith says, as she comes over to the table, her shift over, scotch glass in hand. People die every day, she says. Over five dollars. Over locking eyes with the wrong person at the wrong time. Over Shrimp. Dying is no measure of a person, Rachel says.
What is? Someone calls out.
Killing Rachel says.
There's a moment of silence as the men in the bar consider Rachel, and that hard, calm thing in her voice matches the thing that's in her eyes sometimes, the thing that can make you nervous if you look too close. Elgin Bern, captain of the Blue's Eden, the best shrimper in Port Mesa, eventually says, What would you kill for, Rachel?
Rachel Smiles. She raises her scotch glass so that the flourescent light over the pool table is reflected and trapped in the ice cubes.
My family, Rachel says, and only my family.
A couple guys on the bar laugh nervously.
Without a second thought, Rachel says, without a look back.
Without a moment's pity.

and yes the text is in Italics in the book
What do you think of this passage from Gone, Baby, Gone by Dennis Lehane?
3 Opinion