Feel free to Comment your favorite artists below.
Mine are Johnny Cash, Robert Earl Keen, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, and Eric Church.
Feel free to Comment your favorite artists below.
Mine are Johnny Cash, Robert Earl Keen, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, and Eric Church.
I like classic county, but none of this new stuff.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/_VQU-_18i80https://www.youtube.com/embed/xLEuq2spx5ohttps://www.youtube.com/embed/AcutCgJC_3ohttps://www.youtube.com/embed/ahvmwdT3HfUhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/43qK1Lh2xH0 When i think of country music this is what always comes to mind.
Modern country is just too flash and they feel like they ALL HAVE to sing with a strong southern accent. It makes them sound phony! Old country, up to MAYBE the early `70's is okay. I'm not much into country at all but, my fave type would be Texas swing.
@FunkyMonkee Listening to old pre-war country music, it's amazing how intertwined blues and the birth of country was. There's elements of blues, country, swing and big band in that Bob Wills song you posted. That era was the birth of modern music.
@Adventurer23 "Fan It" was from Sept. 29, 1936. Apparently, Bob did a lot of blues-based country swing./ The flip side of the record is, "Sugar Blues".
@FunkyMonkee Yep, there have been a lot of country songs with the word "blues" in their title. A lot of 30s and 40s stuff had elements of blues in some of their songs. It's all intertwined. It's always interesting to go back in time and hear how it all evolved.
@Adventurer23 Sure is. That's partly why I have over 62,000 records, some from at least 120 years ago.
@FunkyMonkee Nice! I bet that's gotta be some weight on your floor joists! I sure hope you have them braced! lol 😨
@Adventurer23 At the moment, they're all in storage where they sit on wire racks or a concrete floor. I didn't realize it `til recently that they were the reason one of the first floor walls was starting to bow inwards. It just never occurred to me that having those 4000 albums on one wall on the 3rd floor was the cause of that.
@FunkyMonkee *does quick math: 4,000 albums x 180-200g per record x 80g per cover x 5g per sleeve + however many double albums = yep, that'd do it. lol 😨 Just be careful with all that! Those suckers get heavy quick! Regardless, cheers and happy listening! 🎧
@Adventurer23 Well, I doubt most of my albums were 180, let alone 200 grams. MAYBE WITH the covers they MIGHT hit 180.
Ooo!! I dood a boo-boo!! It's more like 4150, or so. I forgot about the 30th crate on the top of the last two towers. And there was a stack of about 1 crate full on the floor of "junkers", stuff I hadn't played in decades and needed replaced because they got a bit ruined over the decades. When I first stacked them on that wall, there were only 3 towers, crates per tower and roughly 150 albums per crate (wooden orange crates). In the late `80's, I got a lot more albums and expanded it to 4 crates per tower and a 4th tower the same size at the foot of my bed. Then I got another crate to put across the top of the last two towers on the wall. By the late `90's/early `00's, I needed 8 more crates along that wall. It wasn't until about 7 or 8 years ago that the plaster started to bow from that wall on the first floor and it just hit me last week that THAT'S probably what was causing it!! But, thanks to my ex-sisters, I lost my house 4 years ago and no longer have to worry about that wall, anymore. Although, I WISH I was still there!! But, I'm nowhere NEAR as bad as my late friend, Jerry Weber!
Country isn't my main genre (by far), but I do enjoy it sometimes. However, I only like old country music. New "country music" is just rock with a southern twang.
I saw some posts by Leann Rimes about her skin problems and depression and I was impressed that she is not some snob, but it just like us. I love her and her music, Especially this song.
The only country music worth listening to is trip to Japan
https://www.youtube.com/embed/OwcHGm-GF9IWell Japan is a country, so yeah I suppose so.
Big trucks
Cold beer
Hot gurls
Corn fields
Hey look, I just wrote a Number 1 hit country song.
That was mostly a joke, but no I don't like country music.
You forgot about your dog running away. lol
Still better than Rap. 🤮
@Adventurer23 I thought the dog died.
@Daniela1982 Cletus died? 😭 I just got ma trailer fixed and ma ridin' mower runnin'! 😢
So on my radio, I know of my rock station and christian songs. I've recently got into country... I found some good ones.
Hiw can you not like music with lyrics like this?
I loved you for years until my dog died.
So loved the dog or some person?
No! That was "my frog died".
No, I hate it. The only music that is even more obnoxious is rap and hip-hop.
I like all kinds of music, Country AND Western.
@Adventurer23 hahahaha
@Adventurer23 Was a good movie!
@Daniela1982 For sure! It's so ridiculously over the top it's hilarious. lol It's a classic!
@Daniela1982 HYAWWWWW!!! 😆 Fun fact: did you know that the clerk eating the sandwich in the city of Chicago office building at the end is Steven Spielberg? Seriously! 😉
I only like a few songs in country. But all in all country is not my cup of tea.
No my go-to, but I appreciate a lot of the guitar players.
I like some of it. Especially the '80s
Like most music it depends on the song.
Meh it's alright depends on the song
I love, Love LOVE country music!