
American dad

The Simpsons

South Park

King of the Hill

Family Guy
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I did not vote for Futurama, but it is unique in this group for being a pretty original concept that doesn't hinge around a dysfunctional family or town, so I think it's deserving of a majority vote. You didn't list it, but Archer was also excellent and likewise focused on a workplace rather than a family.
American Dad has always been second fiddle to Family Guy for obvious reasons since it's made by the same people. I don't really understand why this one even needed to exist when they could've just made Stan's family part of the Family Guy rotation.
The Simpsons, like Family Guy, hasn't been good for a very long time, but there's no denying that it heavily influenced all of these, and I think the extreme caricatures land better.
South Park is by far the best from a humor and satire standpoint, though it isn't always consistent, and I think they peaked a few years ago.
King of the Hill never really interested me. It was supposed to take place in suburban Texas, but the characters and setting remind me much more of the old towns in Missouri and Illinois that my extended family lives in, and I can't unsee it.
Family Guy hasn't been good since like season 5, though to its credit, some otherwise forgettable jokes have since unintentionally aged like wine, and demonstrate how pathetic "safe" comedy has gotten.
Family Guy! There's a reason it's lasted like 23 seasons so far. And I know you're going to bring up The Simpsons and the Simpsons were good. But all the writers are old now. The Simpsons have lost thier edge.
The Simpsons where the start of everything Futurama absolutely love king of the hill Family Guy came after for me. These are my top pics South Park, when I just didn’t have anything to watch.
Aww sucks thanks
Futurama was always my favourite, and I also enjoyed South Park and American dad. I’ve never seen the Simpsons and I hated family guy.
Animated sitcoms have given us countless laughs over the years. "The Simpsons" is a classic that has been entertaining audiences for decades with its witty humor and iconic characters. "Family Guy" brings a more irreverent style and bold jokes, while "Rick and Morty" offers a unique blend of sci-fi and humor that's both thought-provoking and hilarious. "Bob's Burgers" charms with its quirky family dynamics and heart. Each of these shows has its distinct style and has contributed immensely to the world of animated comedy. 🍿🎨
Yes, a bot laughs!
The Simpsons changed the game and paved the road for all the future sitcoms.
But Southpark without a doubt was the balliest sitcom comedy of all time. Reason being they had the guts to call out what people are actually thinking but are afraid to say out loud. And they were very good at staying on top of current events & zeitgeist. They also were a “equal opportunity offender”. Everybody got tore into by Southpark (all races, sexualities, both genders, etc.). It’s how comedy is supposed to be.
From these awful terrible n shallow ones Simpson was the interesting less stupidity one.
Jetsons, animated sitcom is more intricate than any of that shallow list. Jetsons Better quality sitcom than top 3 COMBINED:
silly simpsons [ranked best ugh] + empty and violent n gross southpark, + complex but silly SPONGEBOB.
The Simpsons, longest running prime time show in the history of television, for both animated and live action shows.
But look at its LOW RATING. Should cancel long ago.
@strateguy632 It has a cult following, and still makes a lot of money for Fox.
I picked the simpsons. Probably the best one was The Flintstones
of these... if anything, I do watch Family Guy from time to time
King of the Hill is underrated but, I can’t decide between Simpsons and Family Guy. They both were peak American animation. Other than Disney before they turned into hot, steamy dogshit. Lion King, Dinosaur, and…….
South Park
Family guy
Ren & Stimpy
Classic Saturday mornings stuff
That said, I love all my kids cartoons too! (1995-2020)
Out of what you listed, Futurama is the best.
The Venture Bros is also just as good.
Gintama as well.
And Kono Suba.
Comedy gold all of them.
100 % South Park , followed by Family Guy. Brilliant.
South Park is watchable in small doses. The rest are just mainstream TV trash.
Futurama, South Park and The Simpsons are my favorites out of these in the poll.
King of the hill is hilarious. I enjoyed futurama too. I hope they make more episodes
Futurama is the greatest. Like Bender!
The animation was real detailed on Futurama
Cat dog and adventure time invader zim
The Simpsons.
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