Baldness, Is It An Issue, or Not?

Baldness, is it an issue, or not?

Baldness, something that’s usually not fun for a guy. For some guys, it starts right after high school ends. That hairline starts going back, or that space opens up in the back. You never know how far it’s gonna go, or if it just goes completely. Others get lucky, and it never affects them.

Does it affect you? Some guys are ok with it. Their self-confidence is such that its no problem. They might even just shave their heads completely, and if they have that perfect shaped head, they can look good with it. Think Patrick Stewart.

Baldness, Is It An Issue, or Not?

Then, there’s those other guys, who feel threatened and are very self-conscious about it. They see baldness as their looks or manhood somehow disappearing, or it makes them look old. They can’t really control it. It’s a genetic DNA thing. They wonder if women will somehow think less of them.

If you ask women what they think about male baldness, they’ll usually say it’s no big deal, but I’ve heard other women say that it’s a turnoff.

So, what to do about baldness, if anything? You could be tough, and not let it bother you, or even shave your head. You could wear a baseball hat all day, which I’ve seen done. You could wear a hairpiece, but the problem with that is that it has to be a really good one, and there’s always a chance that it could come off (if you’re trying to keep it a secret from a girlfriend, good luck with that). There’s Rogaine, but that has side-effects, and if you stop using it, the baldness returns. There’s hair transplants, which are supposed to be an improvement over the old hair plug treatment, but that can still be expensive.

Science experts are figuring out DNA and chromosomes, trying to zero in on things like cancer. It’s possible that in the future they might figure out what element causes baldness, and zero in on it, as well.

Then there’s the comb over! The idea is that if you grow your hair long on the sides and back, and comb and grease it over your head, that’ll cover the baldness. It rarely works, and in fact, the more you try to do a comb over, the more attention people will focus on your baldness!

Baldness, Is It An Issue, or Not?

As for me, at 60, I still have most of my hair. The hairline went back about an inch or so, and that’s it so far. I’m not too worried about it, though. If it falls out, it falls out. I don’t have one of those perfect shaped heads anyway, plus I was involved in a car accident years ago that left a surgical scar that goes all the way over the top of my head, so it could be an interesting road map up there one day.

My grandfather had lots of hair, but my dad went bald early. Maybe it skips a generation.

Baldness, Is It An Issue, or Not?
Post Opinion