People are so afraid to admit this in fear of being labelled a “racist” as our society has become so politically correct thanks to bleeding hearts and liberals that brand everyone against their views as a racist, sexist, homophobe etc. People are afraid to say what they find most appealing and SPEAK THEIR MINDS about who they’re attracted to - which is ridiculous as it’s not something you could help.
People of other races typically have more obviously unattractive features. For example, Asians have small eyes and flat noses. Blacks have nappy hair, wide noses with big nostrils, and overly big mouth/lip area. Brown people are hairier and have hooked and/or larger noses. Now of course there are exceptions to EVERYTHING in life and there may be a few rare gems but I’m just generalizing and looking at MOST of the population from said races.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that the more attractive people of color are typically the ones who’s features are “out of the norm” for their race and more Europeanized. For example, Beyoncé has a smaller narrow nose like Whites, average sized mouth/lips, lighter complexion... Mixed people/babies can be cute esp when they have light eyes, freckles, small noses etc which all come from their white parents genes. The most attractive Asians and Brown people will typically have larger eyes, small narrow noses like white people etc and just have more “white features.” It’s just all comes down to biology.
Comment below if ya agree/disagree. I do believe I said what everyone’s thinking but won’t say aloud because it’s too “taboo.”

What do the most beautiful faces have in common? They’re all WHITE —>
EVEN THE ROBOTS picked whites: “Out of 44 winners, nearly all were white” —>
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