Are slim girls considered ugly in society now?

I remember once everyone wanted to be skinner, have a thigh gap, flatter stomach and smaller waists, I understand that the media used to portray very underweight, and unhealthy body types in catwalks and for modelling. I myself am very slim, but I have a fast metabolism and I eat so much and don’t put on weight. I find it hard to fit in clothes and find things that suit me. On social media I do feel like thicker, curvier girls are now taking the opportunity, to slim shame slim women. Being curvier is still beautiful and is still attractive, but so is every other body type. I don’t understand now why society thinks it’s ok to slim shame a women because she’s slim, not all slim people are staving themselves, and really can’t put on weight like some people can’t lose weight, we still struggle similarly. I think social media needs to change and say that any body type is beautiful and it doesn’t matter if you’re slim, curvier, or inbetween we’re still beautiful, also if you are a curvier women don’t make a slim women feel like she’s inferior, I work in a shop and was serving these two ladies on the tills, they bought these nice dresses and went on about how it won’t suit petite skinny girls, and it is definitely for Cuvier hour glass figures... why did she even have to mention that, especially in front of me, made me feel a bit insecure that I don’t have a curvier figure and no women should make another women feel that way, imagine if a skinny person said that certain clothes don’t fit curvier women, they would get upset and there would be a whole scandal about it. We need to think about how we are making other people feel, and how certain looks and types of people are seen in society.
Are slim girls considered ugly in society now?
Are slim girls considered ugly in society now?
Are slim girls considered ugly in society now?
Post Opinion