Can a woman still be pretty despite having gap tooth? is it a dealbreaker?

I always hear that I’m cute and gorgeous and when I post a pic of me I always get rated highly but I hate to show my teeth when I smile because of my gap tooth ( which is similar to the girl In the pic). I wore braces in middle school, but my dentist was a fraud, and now I still have them back after removing the braces. I’m thinking about wearing braces again, but I’m already 19 and I don’t want to.

Some boys and girls tells me that it’s not a big deal, and that it looks cute but I’m afraid they’re just sugarcoating so please be honest ,( especially men). Is it a dealbreaker for a girl to have front gap tooth?
Can a woman still be pretty despite having gap tooth? is it a dealbreaker?
Yeah it’s a deal breaker
No. i don’t care if she have a pretty face and a great body
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Can a woman still be pretty despite having gap tooth? is it a dealbreaker?
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