How do I get thicker thighs and bigger booty (basically curves) I'm a 13 yo girl im very thin?

I'm black which makes it even worse that I dont have a big @$$ like all my black friends do and i feel concerned because im flat and i dont have any breasts. or booty. I'm literally so thin and when i eat (which is a lot) nothing happens. I've tried working out ; mYbe im not doing it right but nothing barely happens either so yeah. Kids at school make fun of me for how thin I am. I just want to fit in , all my friends are developing curves or jist gaining weight and they get all the guys and not me. Some people say i would look better with curves because mg face is nice but my body i guess is a turn off. nothing online helps me how to gain weight only for guys and for girls there's barely anyone who can relate. help me? is there something wrong? oh and sorry for typos i literally typed everything fast
How do I get thicker thighs and bigger booty (basically curves) I'm a 13 yo girl im very thin?
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