Tough guys being cute and caring with their girlfriends. Cute or not?

I'm not sure why but I think this is cute:

If a guy is sort of a tough/rough guy but he's really sweet and gentle with his girl friend.

For example: My boyfriend is 6'4" and he's a pretty strong/tough guy, whatever you want to call it. And then when we cuddle or something it's so cute because he'll hold me, tell me how in love he is, be really gentle, play with my hair, etc. He's just always so caring towards me, he wants to make sure he doesn't hurt me and everything and I love it.

Is it just me or do other girls/women like this?
I like it.
I don't like it.
I don't care either way.
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Tough guys being cute and caring with their girlfriends. Cute or not?
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