Why won't he just give me a freaking tbh (to be honest)?

So, I'm pretty sure that the boy I like has a crush on me back. It's just very obvious, I guess you could say. He stares at me a lot, smiles, snapchats me first all the time, etc. But there's one thing that confuses me...
So on his snapchat story, he sometimes will post "screenshot for a tbh" or something like that. He's posted it oh, 25 times in like 3 months that I've had his snapchat. So a lot. And he always seems to post it right after he sees my story. Or he'll post it for 15 minutes, and once he sees that I haven't screenshotted it, he'll delete it from his story. So basically he posts it a lot for me to see- I think.
I've screenshot it 4 times in the 25 ish times he's posted it. But he's only given me 1 tbh! Which makes no sense. I know he wants me to see it, so why won't he give me a tbh on the others? I know it's a silly question, but I'm really confused about this.
Why won't he just give me a freaking tbh (to be honest)?
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