My crush hugged me out of nowhere. Does he also have a crush on me?

Today I was putting something away in my locker at the end of the day and he came running towards me and hugged me quickly and hard then walked away with his two friends without saying anything. I was in shock so I just gave a shocked face and said his name in a surprising tone.
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+1 y
Here's more info:
- He takes pictures of me secretly (I know this because I overheard his friend saying something about receiving a snap I was in)
- He kept poking me in class about silly random stuff
- He asked me to do this silly dance with him multiple times in class.
- Sent him a silly snapchat and he screenshotted it
- When i turn around or look at his direction, he looks at me
- Says hi to me in the strangest funniest voice ever!
- Hugs me randomly a LOT (i don't even expect it)
+1 y
- Looks at me when I walk past the halls
- Someone asked if there was something going on between us cuz he acts weird when my name is mentioned
- The first one to add me on ALL my social media
My crush hugged me out of nowhere. Does he also have a crush on me?
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