Can you be a bit of a sweet talker, flirty but still be a good person?

He/she might flirt all the time but if you look a little deeper you see that they truly are a good person.

they are generous, kind, humble, the help others out with no strings attached or expectations of anything in return. But they just sometimes flirt for fun just to make the person feel good.
Yes this is possible
No its not possible
It depends (explain)
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+1 y
I always think of Oskar Schindler here, even though he was a womanizer and playboy pretty much he still enfed up
Saving almost 1100 people in the Holocaust. Its just like that saying goes appearances can be deceiving.
+1 y
So the reason i ask this because there’s nothing wrong with flirting or generally being a sweet talker, but for some they might feel like you’re after something more or in exchange for something, usually sex. But me and i know many of you just do it because its fun and can brighten people’s days.

Can you be a bit of a sweet talker, flirty but still be a good person?
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