Alright I will make this as short as possible. My friend and I started hooking up. He made it clear he didn't want a relationship in the beginning and I was okay with it until he started sending mixed signals. We would hold hands while we were alone, kiss, hug, talk about our secrets, text almost everyday, and cuddle. We did all of this outside of sex. My only problem was that I was starting to feel cheap because we never went anywhere in public. I broke it off several times only to go back. Until the last time I broke it off and wrote him a long text explaining why I could do this anymore and I told him we shouldn't contact each other anymore. We didn't talk for almost 2 months until I texted him apologizing for being harsh and he accepted. We started talking and he brought up that I left my sweater in his car. I said I could meet him somewhere and pick it up. Instead he insisted he drive 30 miles to my campus to drop it off. Instantly we felt a connection. We both hugged each other and ended up kissing that night. A week later, we were back where we left off. We started hooking up again, this time I saw a lot of changes. He started to treat me almost like a girlfriend and we would go out and hold hands in public. He even asked if I hooked up with anyone else while we were off and I said no and he said me too and gave me a hug. I did tell him I started casually texting another guy and we have been out a few times before but nothing serious at all. And he said okay. Everything was great for weeks until he dropped a bombshell that he met another girl that he wanted to start seeing. I couldn't believe it. We were going so well. And I asked him why he lead me on again after I told him the first time when we took a break that I don't like his mixed signals and being lead on, if its just sex don't send me these signals. And he apologized for sending mixed signals back then. Now he did it again. He told me that he never had feelings for me and it was just sex. He suggested I start seeing other guys and he said, "why are you so upset over this?" And I said I can't believe you never liked me at all. After all of the changes? He said he never did and that he just wanted to be nice. I sent him a long email explaining how I was hurt and he had very short and cold responses. He said, "I said I'm sorry. I don't know what else to tell you..let's just move on" I never saw this from a mile away. I knew this was a risk with this type of relationship when someone meets someone else, but I just wonder why do all that he did when he didn't have any feelings? I just feel so angry. I've had bad breakups with real boyfriends before, but this one feels like the worst. Why would he do this? And to top it off be sold cold and unsympathetic. He acts as if he didn't do anything wrong, meanwhile he broke the rules. I told him not to lead me on again the first time and he did it again.
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