European accents: a ticket to attractiveness

I'm Canadian, so I do have an accent but one hardly known for its "sexiness" more of its "goofiness"

But I can't help but be one of the many people who find men ( in my case) or women (in others) who have french or British or Scottish accents much more attractive. You could be a "meh" American boy but get yourself an accent and you just gained ten points in my book. It's such a stupid superficial thing but I think a lot of people feel the same? Perhaps it's the unknown culture, but I feel like other counties don't think American accents are attractive... Do they? I'm indifferent if not annoyed by some of them. (Southern accents... Noooooo! sorry if you have one but hey, I've got a goofy one so we're even)
European accents: a ticket to attractiveness
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