People Change and so Have I


People Change and so Have I

I realized this is a pretty interesting topic for my first take. People often tell me I'm not the same person anymore, they say "You're entire demeanor is different, you act different, walk different, speak different." I haven't really realized this until yesterday, I was sitting in lunch, eating, and My crushes friend came up to our table, he looked straight at me and said, "Hey, your crush want's you to sit next to him." I looked at him and said, "Yeah right, I'll believe that when donkeys eat squids." He looked at me oddly, walked back to his table, said something to my crush, who laughed, at me. I realize I have changed because I wasn't angry, I was hurt, and I seperated myself from the entire situation. But I asked myself the question. "Why DO people change so suddenly?" I think I may know why. All people have childish tendancies, like me, I still cry when someone yells at me, even though I am sixteen. But I have a lot more adult-like tendancies too, like coming home and getting the work around the house done, or staying calm in upsetting or stressful situations. I believe these changes are triggered by certain beliefs or feelings. I believe my change started when I met my first good friend, Paige Gros, she helped me realize I was human and worth something, that I had a place EVERYWHERE I went, no matter what. The change wasn't instantaneous though, it has been slow, but noticable. It started off when I stayed after school for a talent show audition. Then I stopped being antisocial and i got out, then I started worrying about my grades, then I started to make new friends. Then I transferred to a new school. At first, I was terribly shy, I hid behind my hair and jacket, I talked to two people only, then my confidence built, I started occasionally putting my hair up, then I wore it up all of the time, then I joined soccer, then I started to leave my jacket at home more often, and now I do what i want, talk to whom i want, and don't care. But I am also cautious of what I do, because I still have a shadow of a doubt. My point is, people change, and sometimes its for the better.

People Change and so Have I
7 Opinion