Why does this shy girl act so nervous around me now?

Okay. So there's this girl in the same Aeronautics program at school. She had a boyfriend last year but just recently broke up with him, but what makes this hard is that her ex-boyfriend was her first boyfriend..

Anyway, I always saw her looking at me and so I just decided to start talking to her. It got to the point where we hung out and everything. We hung out in a group, but I treated with her respect and all that cool stuff, apparently something her last boyfriend never did.

So, she a few days ago she tells a mutual friend she might get back with her ex because he asked her out again. So I decided to tell her how I feel. She got really red and said, "Thank you, but I still like my ex and I'm probably going to get back with him."

I let it go and treat her like I always did. But now she acts really nervous around me? She keeps telling our mutual friends that I'm just friend and she doesn't want to give me the wrong idea or anything. And she doesn't seem to like seeing me so chummy with other chicks...

But one of my friends asked, "Why are you so awkward around him then?" Which she replied, with "I don't know." She tells me she's going to back with him, but then tells others that she "might."

Is she confused now or is she just being stupid?
Why does this shy girl act so nervous around me now?
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