GIRLS How should I approach this shy girl?

She's in some of my college classes.

She only talks with two people in class (both girls) and when she has to speak loud for the teacher or for the whole class she gets really shy and blushes. She never talks to any other people. She's very very pretty so i don't get why she's shy.

She's not shy on Facebook though because i notice she has a lot of friends and many photos of her with other people so maybe she's shy only in college?

We never talked but i tried to make eye contact with her and she looks at me sometimes but she just ignores me and looks away so i guess she's not interested in me right now.

I only see her in class. Sometimes i see her in the hallway with her two friends but i'm scared of how she would react if i approach her since we don't know eachother and that would be awkward i guess.

My question is how do i approach a girl like this, how does a shy girl like to be approached without being creepy or awkward? Do shy girls like to be approached at all?
GIRLS How should I approach this shy girl?
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