This morning at school I was standing texting on my phone and while this girl from my class was leaving the bathroom she told me ”stop fooling around“ , what did she tell me this?
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Maybe because you were on your phone instead of getting to class or something? That is my best guess unless there is some more context. Is she just some random girl or a friend or what? Seems like a random thing to say. Did she say it kinda playfully or flirty? That could mean something but if she just said it then I would take it to mean absolutely nothing and tell you to not overthink it. Probably just random.
Lmao nah it was during break
What kinda tone was it? Flirty or just meh?
She not my friend we are only classmates she said it in a flirty/playfully tone but I don't know
Could she likes me based on that or I’m overthinking?
I could definitely be used in joking/teasing which would both be ways of flirting. I wouldn't base everything off of just that one instance but yeah it could definitely be she is trying to get your attention.
Oh ok thanks
She was probably just trying to be funny. Don't read too much into it
Lmao okok