See image below.
Why do women use the cost of frivolous beauty treatments as some kind of flex?
See image below.
I agree. I think it is ridiculous to spend so much on that stuff when you can do it yourself. I know girls who their husbands work but they don't, and they get their nails done more than once a month, $100+ nails, then their hair, then their facials, then they spend money on more clothes (that are expensive), then they also spend it on Starbucks that they get everyday, and other things for themselves, all actually adding up to more than $300+ dollars a month!! It's crazy. I do my nails, but I do them at home on my own haha. It costs 99¢ for nail polish, and lasts months, or years even. Then I have a nail file, get my own acrylic which is cheaper too. I don't dye my hair, and then I straighten and give myself a blowout and haircuts at home instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money on it. I had a guy friend tell me that it sickens him to see women brag about how much money they spend on this stuff and then they want their bfs and husbands to pay for it sometimes and he said guys don't even really look at nails and care about them. Some do I'm sure, but he said all the guys he knows really don't care, that girls do it for themselves.
Yeah I sat down with my wife and showed her how much she was spending on stuff like that, and she was not working, it ended up being almost twice our mortgage, and I explained that this is essentially why we cannot save money, as I don't do out to eats or really any creature comforts.
After showing her everything and how bad it was for our budget, she basically stopped save for a few things here and there.
Good lord $160 on nails? That might last 2 weeks and then they obviously have to get them done again. That's $320 a month on just fingernails.. that's like a freaking car payment. That's wayyyy too much money for something temporary and it's only use is to look pretty. That is most definitely not a flex to me.. it just screams stupidity and vain. Sorry I don't mean to be so negative but damn.. but I guess to each their own. It's just not for me.
My thoughts exactly
Bro, don't get hung up on it. Women are women and have their own ways. Also, I think it's good if a woman bothers to take care of herself whether she does it herself... whether it costs $10 or $100. Better than those lazy ones who never bother.
i would say it's typically low social status people trying to pretend they aren't low social status by getting expensive shit that's really not in their budget to make people think they have money.
I think it’s wrong to flex any sort of thing someone buys with money, but if you work to earn it and don’t be a bragging person about it then it’s whatever.
About the nail salon, she’s just seeking attention. I probably get mine done maybe like twice a year tops, and it doesn’t even cost half that much.
What's worse is how they justify it as how they're paying us by showing up having done these costly treatments and that's why we should expend money on them.
Where are the girls at, that say and mean "I don't want your money"? I know where one is.
These are people who have a victimhood mentality. Everything makes them a victim. The fact that she’s even able to afford that shit is definitely first world problems. But don’t worry there will be people running to these womens defenses. It’s pathetic honestly.
Like if you can afford this stuff and do it because you enjoy it. Go for it. Yeah another problem is many of these women are too lazy and/or not smart enough to do it at home.
Its flexing for other women whom do care if she has a really expensive fashion bag which cost 100$ to manufacture in China.
Women are unfortunately on average just less rational than men and more emotional creatures.
Just don't think too much about it.
The answer to "do men understand the cost of looking put together?" is "do women understand that if you don't eat like a goddamned hippo and if you exercise a moderate amount, you'll be way hotter than if you blow money on shit that doesn't matter, while eating like said goddamned hippo and sitting on your fat ass all day?"
No clue. I have nail polish at home myself, so I just paint them when wanted. Unless it's like a day at the spa to relax and stuff, then yeah, I get the expense.
If they have money, why not? As long as they aren’t broke and bagging money just for do their nails, i don’t see the problem here.
It’s just like men who spend on the car and video games or even some expensive toys.
It's when they use it as a flex to condescending to men is when I have an issue with it. See the image I posted with it. When a woman says "do men realize the cost of looking put together" I'm like "who gives a fuck, certainly not men"
It’s just attention seeker.
Maybe some strange part of them wants to be condescending to others who are less financially fortunate, and maybe they also think that how much their beauty costs effects their real value.
Some guys like a high maintenance girl and want their nails and hair to be all done up so definitely some guys are caring
Some do, most don't. We see high maintenance as pathetic.
Yeah that's not the average male, that's the incels and fuck boys.
Yeah not me, I both read and write erotica fiction. But I do not look at porn.
Also it's 11% of men, not 90. Says this peer reviewed scientific study
That's like saying any one who has a single beer is addicted. The logical fallacy is strong with you.
Look I respect that you're a wife and a mom, but the fact that you make a blanket statement like that about all men puts you in a very ugly group in my opinion, the man hating misandrist feminist kind of woman.
This conversation is over. When you gain some skill at logic and put your hatred of men away, perhaps I will talk to you again. Until then, have a good night.
Conspicuous consumption. It's one of the core tenets of the capitalist bastardry handbook.
I look down on the lip fillers and the spray tans, yet. I do not look down on women who have their pubic hair treatments, or underarm treatments :)
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