Why do women use the cost of frivolous beauty treatments as some kind of flex?

I see this stuff all the time, woman says "poor me it costs so much to be a woman" or similar. When in reality the beauty treatment she is bitching about is something that could be done for minimal cost at home, or just not done at all because literally no one other than women care about that bullshit.

See image below.
Why do women use the cost of frivolous beauty treatments as some kind of flex?
27 d
The caption on the image is "do men understand the cost of looking put together"As if we actually give a shit.
27 d
To that pink anon who added nothing to the conversation, men are allowed to criticize women. Women criticize men all the time, and we are just supposed to take it.. So you will just sit there and take it like we do.
Why do women use the cost of frivolous beauty treatments as some kind of flex?
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