There was this girl I was kinda friends with like two years ago but I think she moved schools or whatever bc I haven't seen her since. We followed each other on ig back then but recently (like a year or few months ago) she unfollowed me and A LOT of other people. I never bothered to unfollow as I'm not on social media that much but yesterday I randomly got a follow request and it was her. It kinda just took me aback because I haven't even seen or talked to her in so long, why would she just follow me again lol? It's kinda odd, no?
Anyway, I'm not too pressed about it lol, just wanted to discuss it.
What Girls & Guys Said
I dd the same thing with a guy I hadn't seen in 4-5 years. Added him then got scared and rescinded my invite because I am a pussy and thought it was weird because too much time has passed. I initially sought him out though because I had a dream about him randomly after not thinking about him at all for that duration of time. I lived in a new state and was in a relationship of my own.
It happens. Those of us who are older and connected with old friends on social media to catch up do so simply to give a holler and reminisce, not necessarily to show romantic interest.
I never thought it was her showing romantic interest ðŸ˜. And she never actually reached out to talk or anything, that's why I thought its strange.
She recognized your name and wanted a safe distance freind zone
What does that even mean? I didn't think she was interested in me and she didn't talk to me after so that's why I brought up this topic 😅