I don't think I've ever found a girl intimidating I like a girl that is smart who is wise who can do whatever she wants to do because her mind is set to it she's independent she's not afraid of what people think or say she's loving she's kind she has a beautiful heart I love girls like that didn't know how to truly be themselves and be happy and smile everyday
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- 27 d
What makes a girl intimidating, the fact that she can hit me, steal from me, break my stuff, abuse my children, kill my pets, and if I call the cops I'm the one going to jail.
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What Girls & Guys Said
389 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I don't think girls are intimidating unless they are pointing a loaded gun at you. Pain in the ass, sure. Bad attitude, sure. Not possessing a quality of interest other than a female body, sure.
You say allude. So I think most likely they are saying something else that you are labeling as intimidating. Correct me if I am wrong.
Intimidating means to cause fear. It just means they don't like you is all. Most guys prefer to exit stage left quietly without fuss and drama.
The question you should ask is why do guys want to exit stage left?
This all might seem mean but if you want a guy in your life you need to understand qualities men look for.
30 Reply- 27 d
Soooooooo, you either divorce raped a man, get child support, get alimony, or some other blood-sucking form of getting something out of a man?
Ohhhhh, it was Dad, if not Dad, Mom took it from Dad and gave it to you? Some sort of sex lawsuit? ... where you took money from a man?
See... I have the same assumptions don't I? If this is true, then ask me anything, but I'll tell you right now we dudes are not looking to be the next victim of women's bullshit just so they can suck us dry of money.
10 Reply - 27 d
I think that any woman that asserts herself and set boundaries is intimidating to men. Men are use to being dominate, pushing their luck, and women that are shy and timid. When a woman asserts herself and sets boundaries it’s hard for men to adjust their preconceived ideas of what they think women should be.
However don’t give up. A man that does respect you, your boundaries and assertiveness is a man worth dating. So expand your dating pool to men that you wouldn’t normally think as dateable.
Good luck🥰10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)28 d
There is nothing intimidating about a girl except for one thing. Her beauty. If she’s gorgeous, men may be intimidated because they may feel they’re not on her level. Other than that women aren’t intimidating. Men aren’t intimidated because she makes a lot of money or she calls herself a boss bitch. Women tend to tell themselves that men are intimidated because she makes a lot of money, but in reality they just can’t stand her. They choose not to put up w her. I’ve worked in the prison for 8 years w some of the worse women on this planet, there was nothing intimidating about them.
10 Reply - 28 d
If a guy says that, in my opinion he’s a weakling and not for you.
23 Reply- 28 d
Oh you don’t have to answer that unless they’re demonstrating they’re in it for the long haul. Ask them where they got there’s to deem themselves worthy to be in your presence? Just to let them know that’s a crazy question.
- Asker28 d
Thank you ❤️
- 28 d
You’re welcome. You don’t have to explain that to anyone till you’re comfortable and ready. They’re trying to test your nativity or if they could pull one over on you if you keep them around for the future. The right man will give you time or not really need to ask at all.
- 27 d
Pointing a gun at me. Only then temporarily. I suppose if she had a knife to my throat or something similar that would count. I don't care how much money you have as long as you spend less than that.
If you said your lawsuits were from suing your last two boyfriends I'd probably bail out, but I wouldn't call that intimidated, I'd just call that a calculated risk I've no interest in playing when the stakes are so low.
00 Reply - 27 d
Women aren't exactly intimidating—unless, of course, they're pointing a loaded gun at you. A real pain in the ass? Absolutely. Bad attitude? You bet. Sue your pants off in court cause MeToo? Sure. But beyond that, they often offer little more than the simple fact of being female.
00 Reply - 27 d
At least two-thirds of black women intimidate with their size (average black U. S. woman's weight:188 pounds or just 12 fewer then my poundage), b***hy, overbearing attitude and general belief they're better than a black man, even us handsome Bradys.
00 Reply - 27 d
It's not so much intimidating as it is me getting the distinct vibe that she could not care less whether I'm around. Women are not generally intimidating.
And at that point, it's not even intimidating, it's just feeling like I'm bothering/inconveniencing her. It's tough to want to be around someone who makes you feel like there's shit she'd rather be doing.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)28 d
It depends if can be a good or a bad thing. If she seems like she has nefarious intentions. If she seems disingenuous. If she puts on a act around you but acts completely different around her friends. If she is mean for no reason.
But I mean a woman whose genuinely a good woman. Maybe she’s muscular. Tall. Hardworking. But super loving. It’s not a bad thing.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)27 d
My guess is "intimidating" is code for something else. Maybe you're exhibiting masculine behaviours, maybe you're an uncontrolled nightmare, maybe a princess, or maybe you've just priced yourself out of the market with your money and resources. I don't know you. But there'll be a reason.
00 Reply - 21 d
The only fear is that of possible rejection, especially with the “standards” we make up that makes us wonder if we’re good enough. You sound like a very intelligent and independent girl, and I find both of those aspects attractive.
10 Reply - 27 d
Girls can be intimidating when they're very attractive and have resting bitch face or when they're business woman they have a demeanor like "I'm above you and I only date high class men."
10 Reply 592 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. A guy who believes girls only value guys for a specific thing will feel intimidated by girls who have access to more of that thing than the guy can provide. And it's super common for guys to think girls just want money.
00 Reply- 28 d
Why do they know how much money you have? That’s not something to let out there if you are protecting yourself from all kinds of things. If it’s your money that’s intimidating them, then it’s not you, it’s just your money.
00 Reply 1- beauty, guys are ussually afraid to talk to pretty girls.
2- height, short guys are often intimidated by taller woman
3, attitude, if you act bossy a lot of guys might get intimidated10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)26 d
Honestly. This is insecurity. On the man’s part. Once a man is secure in himself. There isn’t a woman alive that can intimidate him. I just have categories for women. Usually broken down into two groups. Women that are worth my time, and women that aren’t. That’s it. Once you do that. Not a woman alive that can really touch you as a man.
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Nothing to be honest can't say I've ever met a woman that made me feel intimidated.
22 Reply- Asker28 d
Is that a baby seal in your cover photo?
- 27 d
Almost literally nothing. Unless they are like body builders and those women aren't just intimidating they are gross.
I suppose if she's overly mean, aggressive. Overly bitchy.11 Reply- 27 d
Pee your update, money is not intimidating. Not even slightly.
571 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. You're probably giving creeper vibes.
I had a friend ghost a date as he found out she had a conviction for battery.
00 Reply- 27 d
if she's that sort of woman who'll puncture your tires and throw plates at your tv and punches you a black eye if she disagrees with you. that's intimidating.
00 Reply Immaturity I suppose. After a certain age I haven't met any intimidating women.
Though it might be related to the kind of men I hang out with.
00 Reply- 27 d
The eyes are the window to the soul. If her eyes are set or penetrating or manifesting anger that would be a problem but I don't scare that easy!
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)27 d
When she's so full of hate and bitterness that she's willing to twist any reality to achieve her twisted agenda. I used to work with a woman that I refused to be alone with because I knew she was not above fabricating accusations and stories.
00 Reply Men really only find beautiful women intimidating. That is all.
00 Reply- 27 d
appearing like a man.
00 Reply The guys she willing to sleep with that you'll never know about
00 Reply- 27 d
Sounds like they saw you ruin other men's lives so they wisely decided to avoid you.
00 Reply - 28 d
no girl is scary. just how likely you think you can get her
10 Reply - 27 d
Aggressiveness, height, and being too dominant when it comes to relationship's
00 Reply - u27 d
01 Reply- 27 d
on the other person...
- 28 d
In and of herself, nothing.
10 Reply 320 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. If it walks like a duck.
00 Reply- 28 d
Probably if she seems manipulative
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)28 d
I suppose if she's holding a gun maybe?
11 Reply- Opinion Owner28 d
@update: Eh. I wouldn't call that intimidating so much as "not worth the trouble." What were the lawsuits about?
- 27 d
Her whips and chains lol
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)28 d
Tatts, muscled, butch, manly lol 😆
00 Reply - 27 d
She's pretty
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Nothing
00 Reply357 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Nothing.
10 Reply- 28 d
A pulse
00 Reply - 27 d
00 Reply - 27 d
For me, nothing.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)28 d
That pic
00 Reply
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