Study confirms women are most attracted to psychopaths


Science has now confirmed what I've known for years. Women are most attracted to the traits of psychopaths. On the surface, they appear confident and charming but underneath they are selfish and manipulative. I first realized this in my 20s when I noticed a pattern of women complaining about how guys used or mistreated them. In some cases, it would happen over and over until they no longer trusted men. Girls always seemed to go for the type of guys that don't actually have the traits women claim to want in a relationship. To this day, I still hear women complain about the exact same things. I recently went on a date with a beautiful 23 year old who told me that her fiancee cheated on her throughout their entire relationship and she now has trust issues. I tried explaining to her that she just went for the wrong type of guy but unfortunately the damage is done. Another study also shows that psychopaths have better reproductive success for the same reasons. Basically a strong desire to use women coupled with a willingness to lie and the ability to manipulate.

Now we can all stop wondering why the world is going to shit.


Study confirms women are most attracted to psychopaths
Study confirms women are most attracted to psychopaths
12 Opinion