Why Redpill Is Bullsh*t


So we all might have stumbled upon the occasional manosphere videos with the clickbait-y titles and the attractive thumbnails, by now. Or some other similar looking weird rich dude who loves talking out his ass pretending to know what he's talking about and how you, yes YOU, need to sign up for their limited time alpha male course where they'll teach you everything there is to know of male lifestyle, dating, and how to be an expert on "The Game".

And just like many other unwary men such as myself, I too fell deep into the redpill rabbit hole thinking this is some pretty good stuff, when in reality, it did more damage to men than harm when I took a closer look at all of it. Literally almost all of them all try to say the same bs and they're all trying to spread the same message; that men are the "better sex", that women are biologically born to be beneath men and that every single woman that ever walked this earth is promiscuous, only cares about money, power and status, and that men need to raise their body count to at least the quadruple digits if they even want to seem as attractive to them and as a "real man".

It often makes me wonder what sort of relationship these "alpha males" have with their own mothers, sisters and daughters at home - if they even have one. One of the worst of them all, in my opinion, is this self entitled prick who goes by the name of Andrew Tate. He claims to be a professional kickboxing champion - even though there's literally no video proof of any of his fights nor any actual kickboxing champions ever mentioning his existence but whatever; who believes that a woman's place is at home, and that she isn't allowed to have any free will of her own or any say in the decision making. He believes that when a man comes home, his woman should leave whatever she's doing and be ready to get on her knees and suck his d*ck as he walks through the front door. He loves thinking of himself as the top 1% of the men and that you will never be successful unless you've fucked every single woman you come across and that a man's success is measured by his bank balance and how many supercars he owns. You need to at least have 3 Buggatis and maybe 5 Lamborghinis to be a "real man".

And if you think that's crazy, we haven't even reached the tip of the iceberg yet. Mr. Tate and his self proclaimed "alpha male" buddies also believe and encourage men being unfaithful and disloyal in the relationship, justifying it by saying that it's okay for a man to sleep around with as many women as he wants to while it's in a woman's best interest to keep her legs closed and only open them when she's finally settled down with a high value man such as themselves. Andrew Tate himself, especially, goes on to explain and justify this by saying that men already show their loyalty in "different ways" so cheating isn't the same for him as it is for a woman, but is never clear about any of that stuff in detail and is all really vague about everything he ever talks about.

Their views on dating for men is also similar. As I mentioned before, they think of all women as sl*ts and will basically tell you that your life is f*cked and there's no hope for you if you're a simple ordinary guy because all women really want is a dude who makes six figures a week, drives a supercar, lives in a mansion, is at least 6ft tall and wears expensive clothes, and this is where their sales pitches for their online courses on dating and men's lifestyle come into play. They will tell you that you're hopeless if you don't join their programme and paint it as the Gospel so that unwary, unattractive, virgin young men who idolize them are forced to empty their bank balances (or parents' savings as the majority of the guys who consume this garbage are teenagers) in hopes of becoming real alpha men.

So anyways, it's been a long read, I'm sure, and I've almost crossed over 4000 words already, so here are my final thoughts. Personally, as the title suggests, I think the whole redpill movement is bullsh*t. Not the idea of it but moreso because of the mysoginistic assh*les who do these videos, acting like tryhards and misguiding young men who don't know any better so that they end up looking at every girl and woman they come across with content and thinking at the back of their heads that "yeah, I bet she's a wh*re too. Her face says it. I bet if I rolled up on her in a Bugatti Chiron just like the top G Andrew Tate, she'd be soaking wet right now". And no, before any Tate defender pulls out their pitchforks, let me just say that yes. There are women out there who hold monetary materialistic things to a really high degree, I admit that. But just remember that that's just the a percentage of them and not all women are like this. They may not be in majority sure, but there ARE some good women out there as well and not every single woman out there wants to screw you over. If you have had your heart broken in the past, I feel sorry for you, brothers. I've been there too, we all have at one point in our lives. But turning into an incel and just straight up hating every single woman because of that and calling them all the same wouldn't make you no different than the radical man hating feminists who paint all men as potential rapists and sexual harassers, I'm just saying. Just keep your head held high, work on yourself and treat everyone how you yourself would want to be treated, regardless of their gender. And I assure you, the right person WILL come eventually some day.

Those are just my thoughts so let me know what you all think and what are your views on this whole redpill nonsense. I know I most likely triggered and offended a lot of people right now, but someone had to say it when things like this start turning men like myself into toxic and mysoginistic individuals. If anyone wants to cross-refer and check the authenticity of whatever I just said, refrain from saying something offensive and calling me stupid unless you've actually looked up whatever I said and seen the stuff for yourself. Since redpill and Andrew Tate is literally everywhere now, I don't think you'll have a problem finding evidence

An image of Andrew Tate and his associates in "The War Room"
An image of Andrew Tate and his associates in "The War Room"
Why Redpill Is Bullsh*t
6 Opinion