Warped Views of What Makes a Guy A Real Man + A Message of Hope To My Brothers.


Self Expression

A lot of us guys tend to put ourselves down over certain ways we are supposed to act in order to consider ourselves/be considered by others as "real men". One huge example of this is self expression. We live in a culture that demonizes guys who show emotion, and portray them as being weak and "acting like a girl."

This in itself is wrong because emotion is a trait we all share as a species, not one that is uniquely exhibited from the female gender. It is not right to put ourselves under the burden of being expected to hold everything we feel inside of us.

Self Defeat & Sex

Another example is the self defeatist tone we place ourselves under when it comes to sexual activity, specifically & ESPECIALLY on the matter of virginity. The amount of guys who give themselves and other men shit over the frequency of their sexual activity is stunning, actually.

As guys, we live in a culture that demands us to be getting laid left and right and that if we don't. - we are somehow inferior within the human male species. We are 'weird" if we don't lose our virginity as teenagers/early twenties. Something is "wrong" with us. We are "defected" and "abnormal". We are "losers". We are "undesirable".

Self Confidence

What a lot of guys sometimes fail to recognize is - we make things such as virginity and other sexual related topics a much bigger deal than they actually are. This in turn damages our confidence and belief in ourselves when it comes to interaction with the opposite sex, as well as how we see ourselves in general.

Guys truly fail to see that a good majority of the women around them truly don't care about things like that. Women care mostly about how you make them feel when they are around you, and how comfortable they sense YOU are in YOUR own skin.

What it Means to Be a Real Man

Pardon my phrasing here, but to be very blunt, being a real man isn't about how many warm holes you've stuck your penis into by a certain age. It's about how confident and assertive you feel in your own mind and body, how comfortable you are about WHO you are.

Being a real man means taking responsibility for yourself and accepting your imperfections. Its about embracing the things you like such as your hobbies and other interests, and not being afraid to show people what they are and what you're all about; its about RESPECTING yourself AND other people around you.

Be Yourself

Being yourself is truly the best thing you can do, both to make yourself more attractive to girls and to learn to love yourself. Once true confidence comes to you, many things will fall into place.

Remember being a real man is truly just not thinking twice about being who you really are and refusing to allow societal expectations to tell you how "beta" or "unmanly" it is to not conform or to pursue your desires at your own pace.

Warped Views of What Makes a Guy A Real Man + A Message of Hope To My Brothers.
53 Opinion