Guys, why do you try and get girls drunk?

I went to a friend i just met recently. She is swiss and she had 3 of her swiss guy friends over and they were speaking in German. One of the guys turned around and asked me if i had ever learnt German or could understand any German and i responded with no, then one of the other guys said thats good. I got a bit suspicious after that and voicenoted what they were saying and sent it to a German friend of mine and asked him to translate what they were saying and what they were saying was they wanted to get me wasted out of my mind and add loads of vodka and tequila to all of my drinks so all 3 of them could sleep with me. As a guy, why would you want to do this to a girl? If she doesn't want to sleep with you sober why would you try and deliberately get her wasted to sleep with her? Luckily i had sent my friend the VN or i never would have known. These were not even bad looking guys so i dont understand why they felt the need to try and do this, could one f you tell why you would want to get a girl drunk to the point she passes just to get laid? This isn't the first time this has happened to me either (i am quite a fast person to pick things up so always manage to get out of these situations but im just asking to see what goes through a guys head to think this is ok?)
Guys, why do you try and get girls drunk?
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