How to C R U S H a guy's self-esteem?

First of all, this guy's got bad boy written over him. He is a band player, meaning he's got a huge ego and he may be a player.

So first of all, I will be awesome and supportive making him feel secure and great. I know this will gain his trust (he told me he values that most in a relationship). Then, I will start to get distant, not replying to his text, saying "no thanks" when he wants to hug me and laugh at all his flaws or problems he tells me. I will say he is weak and a loser. I will then flirt with his brother right in front of him, saying how he should be more like his brother and that is brother is hot. Then I will start being flaky, cancelling plans at the last minute, not turning up at his gigs even when I said I'm coming (he always wants me to go) and block his FB and phone shortly.

Would this work? Do you have better ideas? Planning to throw him a bone once in a while to het his hamster brain to scutter around it.
How to C R U S H a guy's self-esteem?
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