What does it mean when a guy looks at/observes you a lot?

I was at the grocery store with my mom and I noticed this guy looking at me a lot. Especially at the register.

My mom was paying and him and his family were behind her in line. I was waiting at the end where you bag your food. Appearantly I misplaced some produce in a wrong bag that was supposed to be organic or something, I don't know, and my mom had me go check some number so they could check the item off right. But this guy looked at me as I was walking to the produce area, and as I was coming back. And not just your normal glancing everyday look. Like he was really interested in every movement I was making or something.

He was observing me a lot in the store and I felt uncomfortable. What does it mean when a guy looks at you a lot?
What does it mean when a guy looks at/observes you a lot?
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