What is my crush's Myers Briggs Personality type?

He is:
affectionate and die-hard loyal
Introverted yet people centered and insecure
Hates change, judges present and future by past experiences
Intense expressive stare contrasted by his warm goofy smile
Sometimes comes off as a jerk because he considers niceness as weakness and makes effort to appear well liked, confident, and strong
Is empathetic, but disregards people when they don't make sense
Has a reverence for the mechanical and the logical
Is intellectually advanced in every subject but math, can do everything imaginable except sports
Is good at writing (typically "demented" scary stories) but typically focuses on listening to music, which is the only thing that steadies him
Has specific unchangeable values for many circumstances and only keeps friends that align with or at least accept his values
Is passively violent when it comes to himself but will attack if someone else is in need, especially his friends
Pushes boundaries of authority and honesty, resents anyone or any plan that impedes on his complete freedom
Sarcastic, child like humor
All of his clothes are functional and look the same, and he has had the same haircut since his first haircut (I'm not kidding, I've seen his baby photos)
Stubborn as a brick wall, manipulates arguments

What is my crush's Myers Briggs Personality type?
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