Would it mean he considers me his girlfriend?

We started out dating, but he never actually asked me to be his girlfriend. Then for about 3 months we didn't see each other, so I assumed we're just friends. Then he called me and asked if I have boyfriend I said no and we started hanging out again. He told me he likes me. And well things went like this for about 4 months, we were both busy so we'd hang out maybe twice a month. so I decided to have sex with him. He knew he was my first and it didn't go well. But he still kept calling me and asking about me and my family. When we were once in his house and having fun, he hugged me and called me his girl. And I kind of don't know what to think of it. Does it mean he considers me his gf? Because he didn't actually ask if I wanna be one, I pretended I didn't catch up to this comment. He also told me what he thinks of the future, us having a kid lol well not for now I hope cause I'm too young and not ready. And 2 weeks after that, he asked me out to go to the beach, but hasn't called since.

I have treated him like a crap in the past, lied to him and he knew I was lying. I'd reject him sometimes and maybe he fears to ask me to be his girlfriend if I say no? What do you think about this?
Would it mean he considers me his girlfriend?
2 Opinion