How to know if a guy is interested inyou genuinely or if he just is veing friendly?

I recently joined a gym nearby me one day I was working out & saw this guy that looked familiar fast fwrd I found out he's on my fb list & we went to school together. I msged him one day & payed him a compliment & told him he was looking good he thanked me went on about our life few weeks later I saw him again & msged him saying what's up we chatted for a few he told me I was fine & we exchanged sc. We talked a little after that just not much. I asked him if he was interested in getting to know me & I've not heard anything. Guys how do ladies know when a guy is genuinely interested in you & not being fake through text msges any tips or advice?
How to know if a guy is interested inyou genuinely or if he just is veing friendly?
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