Why is he still following me?

i used to work with this guy and had a crush on him. He was really funny at work one minute would talk to me then the next not really care i existed. We had a few conversations but he made it clear he wasn't looking for any relationships. He stopped texting and calling me for a while and i gave up texting him because he will just respond once or a few times and stop. His last day at my job, he approached me and I asked why didn't he talk to me anymore and he blamed me but let me know he was going to call me. He called me for one day and that was it. He texted me but never texted back when i replied. We sent each other videos on tiktok and he stopped replying too. A few days later I uploaded a picture and he finally texted me back and said he missed me but i never texted back. <--- all of that was months ago and he still follows me on social media. I blocked him which made him forcefully unfollow me. He follows me again soon and liked this old tiktok I sent him months ago. I haven't follow him back and I still upload videos and he is always in my views.

Why is he still following me?
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