I have a crush on my boss's brother. But I'm not sure if he likes me back.. He teases me all the time. He always looks me in the eyes when we talk, he copies my facial expressions when I talk to him and when he says something funny and I smile at him he smiles back at me and looks away. Sometimes when he says something funny he smiles or laugh and he looks at me. Also sometimes he repeats some things I say, for example I say "I don't like this food" he repeats "you don't like it" etc. The weird thing is that the other day he told me to buy him a bag out of nowhere. And I told him "why should I buy you a bag?" He said " gift for my birthday all those years you haven't bought me a gift" ( we only know each for two months and his birthday was in December..) So I told him "you should buy a gift too for my birthday" at first he teased me telling me that he'll buy me something cheap and awful, and then he said "we'll figure it out". He also invited me to go to an event he is hosting.
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