you can't generalize european guys, like every single country has it's own different culture. like as someone who lives in Europe, even the neighboring countries have totally different ways of dating and degrees of gender roles
will try to answer with what i know though
so for sex, can't truly compare since i've never fucked an American guy but from what i've heard American guys aren't really into foreplay besides oral, they are more selfish about pleasure and sex is more quick. for sex, at least for french guys they're a bit more concerned about your enjoyment and foreplay can take a lot longer. its probably similar for italians. British guys are also i think more concerned about your enjoyment. so i think euros are better on this one
for money i'd say americans win that one. americans make more money than europeans. mainly because in Europe we have to pay for a lot of social systems, so a lot is taken out of the salary. so americans get a lott more $$ on average. though i heard scandi dudes get a lot of $$ though especially norwegian dudes. if money is important for you though def ignore south and eastern europeans guys cos those countries are broke
for a good partner it really depends what type of partner you're looking for. like do you want a traditional masculine dude then i think eastern Europe will be your best bet. they're probably the chaddiest of them all. if you want that but crank it down a notch you have country americans and south europeans. if you want a super 50/50 equalitarian dude, the best would be scandi countries. if you want someone more loyal and more serious about your relationship and that's more romantic, europeans for sure. American guys date 6 girls at the same time before deciding on their real girlfriend and aren't that romantic. if you want someone chill? americans. someone funny? British dudes (honestly never met a British dude who wasn't hilarious). someone that gives you a lot of space? scandi, germans, dutch dudes
take this with a grain of salt though
20 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. I don't really care for the term "European" here (as if men in all the other countries were the same when culturally they're not... the etiquette shifts a little from country to country and so does the male bravado). Very loosely (and please excuse all generalizations, guys!!!), while they tend to be direct with some things, European men act with/rely on more finesse in their dialogue because it's drilled into them culturally. By contrast, American men tend to be a little more "rough and tumble" in their approach to things... almost as if we were still living in the 1800s... Having said this, Mediterranean men tend to be more open and "cut the BS" as are fellows from Scotland/Ireland...
00 Reply
697 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. American men (and I am one) tend to be a little more aggressive/assholish. A lot of people see this as a good thing, but it's really only good when it calls for it. American men are a little less sensitive yet more feminine nowadays, especially the young guys in schools and college. If that makes sense? Like, on the one hand they put up an appearance of toughness or machismo, but will still complain like a woman about something, and they tend to be much more jealous and possessive of having a partner than women are.
European men are often viewed as softer or womanly, and that is true for certain demographics of European men, but in some ways they're smarter and more masculine than American men. They also believe in sexual passion more than American men and know how to please women better, whereas American men often see sex as simply an opportunity to exude animal instincts. Which is why cheap, ridiculous porn appeals to American men the most.
10 Reply
- 8 mo
Oh come on, if race and nationality really matters, then I think Asian men are the best.
Many Euro-American are poor, homeless and lacks a stable job. And the super rich are too high for the average girl to reach. To make matter worse, many are drug addicts and have a slothful lifestyle. No. They may give good sex but not good partners.
Average Asians are OK. Only a small number are homeless and jobless and they're so because of self. As a society, Asians are hardworking and focus on family.
Hence while their sex life may not be perfect, they are healthy, for both pleasures and for kids.
Hence if you're looking for money, career, sex and a good partnership (lifelong marriage), seek out Asians.
PS: Statistics shown divorce and promiscuous lifestyle in Asia is a lot lower than in Europe and America. And yes, more legitimate kids born there too.
01 Reply- 8 mo
I’m a non Asian individual, but facts are still facts and this is truth
What Girls & Guys Said
601 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. American men are more likely to be circumcised, I'll leave that to you to decide if that's better our worse. People in Europe are generally better paid than Americans. We do have a lot of wealthy people, but most of us are worse off than our European peers. We also tend to be less or more poorly educated.
10 Reply- 8 mo
Euro men r not even that good looking. I been to france, spain, and italyS have never seen an attractive guy, only in america. however, the girls over there are all 10s
00 Reply - 8 mo
Culture, I guess? All I know is, American accents give me the ick. I've realised I'm disproportionately attracted to Italian guys, happily dating one of em right now. So I'd prefer Europeans I guess
00 Reply 706 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Most European men are uncircumcised so the sex with them is better
316 Reply- 8 mo
not true
some - yes, most - no - 8 mo
@IslaTheWitch still much lower rates then the us
- 8 mo
but still far away from most :D
- 8 mo
@IslaTheWitch I acutally just looked it up all of Europe together is less than 20% so it really is most are uncircumcised
- 8 mo
so, if you sum up, it's less than 50% for Europe... much less, so still not most :D
- 8 mo
@IslaTheWitch it's less than 20 so I'd take my chances at finding a better lover there than here in the US
- 8 mo
I don't think it decides about how hood the lover is... I would say that skill and commitment are much more important... but that's my opinion :D
- 8 mo
@IslaTheWitch for me circumcised men are lacking in the bedroom and not as much fun to play with so I could never go back to them
- 8 mo
@Apple1996 Yet your husband is precisely that…. A circumsized dude
- 8 mo
@WhiteBoyChill my husband is restored so he's kind of both lol
- 8 mo
@WhiteBoyChill also lived in a different country for his childhood so not really fully American either
- 8 mo
I’m highly skeptical that you’ve been faithful js
- 8 mo
@WhiteBoyChill why would you think that?
- 8 mo
@Apple1996 I just reread... you wrote "uncircumcised"... not "circumcised"... the whole discussion wasn't needed :D
- 8 mo
@IslaTheWitch no problem lol
1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. FORUM WARNING
Guy in Disguise
20 Reply656 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Well, I'd say European men are shyer and less direct as a general rule.
American girls are probably like wtf, haha.
00 Reply3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. The Japanese explain it best. Reply- 8 mo
We American men don’t have foreskins to get in the way when you’re going down on us
03 Reply- 8 mo
Correction most dont. LOL
- 8 mo
I'm not but most of my friends are. Its very common where I live.
- 8 mo
Circumcision. Fashion. Fitness. Family minded. Lotsa things!
I have to give it to USA American men for money. Sex is a toss up and qualities of a good partner probably euro men.00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)8 mo
European men have a better grasp on reality as a whole.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)8 mo
European men don't need guns to make them feel masculine.
30 Reply 535 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. I have never had sex (nor plan to) with a European guy so I would not know. I want to have some sex with European girls however!
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)8 mo
European men are more likely to have some common sense and good manners
20 Reply 981 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. There are good men from both places just as there are bad men from both places….
12 Reply398 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. That's a whole continent with 44-50 different countries.
00 Reply- 8 mo
You see, one lives in Europe. The other, in America.
10 Reply - 8 mo
I have no idea. Have you tried an American man?
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Nationality and culture.
10 Reply- 8 mo
what a sexist question
01 Reply- 8 mo
how lmao
True love respecting and honest with each other
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