What are the insecurities that guys have that you as a female don’t care about?

I don’t care about these, but men obsess over anyway:
1. Dick size – You think women care? Bro, my dicpics have been banned from more forums than my rants about butt plugs. Women don’t want your micropenis—they want a guy who can scream Bible verses while pounding their tight little assholes. Spoiler: Your dick’s the least interesting part. Whisper, “I’m the ladder to Jacob’s anal heavens,” and watch them flee to their astral planes.
2. Body hair – Shave it, wax it, braid it into a necklace for your mom. Nobody cares. I once tried to manscape with a rusty spoon while sobbing over Jesus turning water into wine. My back hair formed Satanic crop circles. Women either try to braid it into a noose or ask if it’s a Black Phillip fan club. Last date screamed, “IT’S MOVING,” and threw holy water. Joke’s on her—my chest tuft wrote Revelations 2:15 in Morse code. Still got banned for posting pics.
3. Job status – “Oh no, I’m unemployed!” Cries in crypto scams. Dude, my resume says “professional troll” and “Hillary Clinton’s corncob historian.” Women *dream* of men who live off Hot Pockets and Wi-Fi passwords. Bonus if you whisper Leviticus during foreplay.
4. Emotional vulnerability – You think crying makes you weak? I once wept into a coom jar while watching Shrek 2. My mom walked in, muttered “pathetic,” and threw it at a psycholesbian moderator. Now that’s trauma bonding. I greet women with, “M’lady, let me mansplain the Geneva Convention while my horror cock serenades your cat.”
5. Height – Short king? More like “easier to drag into my basement for Bible-themed roleplay.” I’m 5’3” and built like a malnourished garden gnome. Still convinced I’m God’s gift to anal.
6. Balding – Shave your head and tell women it’s a Freudian metaphor. I’ve got a bald spot shaped like the Virgin Mary. Last Tinder date called it “the Holy Grail of red flags.” We banged in a church parking lot.
7. Being “too nice” – Nice guys finish last? Good. I finish in 30 seconds and blame it on demonic possession. Women love a man who whispers, “I’ll repent later,” as he slips on a strap-on.
Final Thought: Remember King David—dude wrote Psalms and banged Bathsheba. Moral? Insecurities are meaningless when you’re too busy getting banned for posting about your mom’s “secret recipe” for holy water.
Your profile says you're male...
@AdultBeingEntrtained It's true women like the bad boy who can show them God in a coom-covered Pringles can. I thought I was hard core -- all I got banned for was trying to convince a lesbian that she needed to be dominated by a throbbing meat stick.
This greatly depends on the woman but it’s important to share information even if a woman does care it’s best to know that early on to figure out if you’re even compatible or not.
A lot of people become insecure because someone else has judged them in the past. Everyone has their type that they are into so what may be a deal breaker for one woman isn’t for another. The same for men as well on dealbreakers they vary.
For instance one woman may care more about height another may be indifferent some may even not want a man whose too tall. For their male member some women don’t like it too big because it hurts others don’t like them small others are indifferent. Some women want someone whose rich others don’t care about money but rather building a genuine connection.
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“Being good enough” is something a lot of guys conjure up in their minds that a nice gal doesn’t particularly insist upon. Guys tend to overshoot what “being good enough” means and worry what a girl thinks bc she’s supposedly “out of his league.” It can be annoying, esp if the girl already likes the guy who thinks she’s out of his league….
I am guilty of self sabotaging myself with above more then once in the past. There is some truth to this.
But you need to understand that men are naturally competitive and driven for good reason. Women tend to compete over high value males who have the wealth, status, prowess, etc. It’s partially tied into evolutionary factors where mate selection could make or break an entire woman’s livilihood.
Also women will tell men to “oh just be yourself” and it’s “okay and good” to express your feelings. Ah from my experiences that only makes a man for relatable to the woman which makes her feel relief.
But relief is NOT and I repeat NOT the same thing as romantic attraction. So what ends up to men who act this way around women they like? They often get friendzoned and that’s a deeper insult than most women will ever fathom. Because it’s saying she sees the man as not a real man but another (hairy) woman.
Anyway those are all above generalizations. But this is not as cut and dry as women make it out to be.
Don’t laugh… I had to say that to a guy the other day. He had a look on his face like he was scared to talk to me, which is weird bc I’m super approachable in person. So I told him look I’m just a person and suggested he just take a deep breath and tell me what’s on his mind. It worked, you know? But the fellow has anxiety issues in general.
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not rich, bald, not being fit, dick size, crying, or wanting comfort
can't really think of much else atm lol you should update this post with a list of the most common ones you think a lot of men deal with
Money can suck mine you are right
Bald is more about looks, most guys doesn't look good with baldness qnd nobody wants to be ugly
Being fit is debateable, six packs are fit yes but just being normal weight with low fat too
Dick size well that is something we won't ever get over, just like you don't dress for güya we don't want big d for girls it is about feeling good with yourself.
Crying, well this is i disagree, a Man should never cry unless it is a life and death matter ör a seriously traumatic thing.
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What are the insecurities that guys have that you as a female don’t care about?
My analysis: If her man is going through a struggle whether mental, physical, emotional, financial, etc. I’m sure just like the man she’ll be there to comfort, support, give advice, and treat the situation in a healthy way through reassurance, positive words of encouragement, and genuine nice advice.
*My girlfriend is exactly like this, we treat each other the way that they would want to be treated and in a way of love. Why would you settle for less? Everyone needs support, help, guidance, and someone to talk to even at our lowest points… We need to shift the stigma away from that because it is just noise that does more harm than good.
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@aquamarine321 👍
Guys care about being too skinny or too fat when girls only care if the size difference is extreme or if there is competition by other guys with similar personality traits.
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balding - actually sex (but I have a thing for Bruce Willis movies from my childhood)…. Shaved heads are sexy too !!
And whether a girl has orgasm (like each time …. A lot of time can differ for girls v. guys of course)
Sexual performance, a guy trying to “make moves” on me since there is no way in hell I am cheating on my husband and hurting my family like that, big car equated with identity.
So many questions here about dick size that’s probably one
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Guys are usually only insecure about dick size and we care about that
Or their height hahahaha 😂
@NicholasRedone that one I don’t really care for unless they’re under 5’7”
@KittygosMeoWW I should rephrase that "guys" care about their "own height insecurity" hahahaha - I for one am a rare specimen toot my own ego horn, not to care about my height 🫠😁😃
Some women care. You aren’t the spokesperson for your entire gender
@Kingofkings1992 did I say I was the spokesperson because I don’t remember saying that
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Any of them.😆 are you kidding me? Women don't give a 💩 about what a guy worries a out.
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Being under 6 feet tall.
I'm humbly 5 foot 11 and no qualms :) some others will complain they're not 7 footer
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all of them...
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Penis size. Or so I'm told... 😎
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Their size.
Their insecurity about being bald.
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