Blonde hair, tanned skin, standard of beauty?

This is how I used to look: tanned skin, platinum blonde straight hair. I looked that way for several years and I got a lot of attention from guys. For my junior year of high school (this year) I just wanted to go more natural and colored my hair a dark shade of brown (my hair is naturally light brown) stopped getting fake tans and going to sun beds and finally through my straightening iron out and showed my real spiral curls. Now I have dark hair, blue eyes and fair skin. A lot of people, mostly girls say that I look prettier now, they say I look natural, but I don't get as much attention from guys as I used to. I'm confident with my new looks, I like my curls and color and I don't need a tan to feel good, for me it's a waste of time and money. But I met my guy friend who've I haven't seen in a while and he said: "what did you do? you should go back to blonde, and get a tan, you look like a ghost" I laughed of him, but I know that he was serious. So I'm curious. Is blonde hair and tanned skin the most attractive features? And is dark hair and fair skin considered ugly?
Blonde hair, tanned skin, standard of beauty?
6 Opinion