7 Free High Intensity Workouts: No Excuses!

7 Free High Intensity Workouts: No Excuses!

If at some point during these workouts you're not swearing, praying for them to end, or mopping the floor with the sweat dripping off of every inch of your body...you are definitely not doing them right. High Intensity Workouts whether they by Plyometrics, cardio based, weight based, or some combination of all three are great because they maximize your workout time by getting rid of long extended rest periods, and keeping the work on your muscles which in turn leads to maximum weight loss because even after your workouts your body will continue to burn fat.


Do you like burpees and variations of burpees? This one is just going to ignore your screams of no, stop, don't. This workout is non stop interval work with short well deserved breaks set to a timer. The exercises are demonstrated for you and some modifications are offered. You need a mat, water, and a set of dumbbells.

Less intense than the bootcamp, this workout concentrates on your arms and legs doing functional movements. Exercises are demonstrated, set to a timer, modifications are sometimes offered. You need a 5-10lb medicine ball (but one dumbbell can be substituted), and a set of dumbbells.


You will most likely need to hit a gym to complete this workout. It is a full body workout. Pay attention to the amount of sets you need to do indicated in the video to complete the full workout. If you're a beginner, use less weight and do as many sets as you can with good form. You should be struggling with the last couple of reps in your last set, but not to the point where your form is suffering or you can't hold the weight. If this happens, either lower your weight and continue on, or stop and slowly work your way up in the future to doing the complete set/reps list.


This is a sports themed workout designed to mimic functional movements found in various sports and activities. This workout consists of 4 circuits with 10 exercises each - followed by a 2.5 minute burnout challenge round. Modifications are offered on nearly all of the exercises. There is a small video which lets you preview the next exercise coming/demonstrates the modifications, all set to a timer.


This is a "1,000 calorie" High Intensity workout. Includes timer, calorie count, preview of upcoming exercises, and side by side High Intensity and Low Intensity versions of all exercises. Their channel and website (FitnessBlender.com) includes a vast library of workouts from low intensity, to weight work, to plyo, to yoga, etc. all for free.


Non-stop full body HIIT weight workout which aims to fire up your metabolism with 3 circuits of 3 moves each with short rest periods in between, followed by a 4th circuit that features all of the moves from the first 3 in succession. You need dumbbells and a mat.


This workout is a high intensity cardio workout which is about a 30 minute mix of cardio exercise, endurance moves, and plyometric drills.

Warning: it is never advised to do these types of workouts seven days a week. They are just as the name suggests, high intensity, and just like any intense sport or training, your body will need time to recover in between doing them so that they are most effective. So aim to do these or other type of HIIT workouts no more than three times a week focusing on lower intensity workouts like walking, swimming, or weight work in the interim. Most importantly, listen to your body. If you are gasping violently for air, light headed, dizzy, or otherwise feeling sick, STOP IMMEDIATELY, hydrate, sit down, get under some cool air, and eat something if your blood sugar is dropping. Ideally you are drinking a ton of water during the workout and having a healthy pre and post workout snack because these workouts and others of this variety are hard on the body systems.

7 Free High Intensity Workouts: No Excuses!
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