The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis


Scoliosis - a condition in which the spine curves to the left or right, creating a C- or S-shaped curve.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a pain - literally - and it can be rather annoying to have every now and again. I was diagnosed with a moderate curve of 35-40 degrees two years ago, and today, I decided to write about a few of the annoyances that accompany it. Note that this is only my experience with scoliosis, it's different for everybody and some things might not apply. Without further ado, let's get into it.

1) Clothes Never Fit Right

My hips are lopsided. My shoulders are uneven. My back has a hump. Straps always slide off one side - this is especially annoying with bras - shirts always ride up on one side to sit on top of my lopsided hip. Form-fitting clothes tend to look awkward due to my lop-sided hips. It's really hard to find clothes that I think look flattering on me.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis

2) The Insecurities That Come With It

Continuing the first point - It's hard to feel confident in your body some days. I don't think I'll ever get the confidence to wear anything revealing. Of course, I'll exercise and try to make the best of it, but one side of my body is very straight, the other side is very curvy, and I really dislike that about myself, but there is no changing it no matter what I do.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis

3) The Comments

"You're probably be crippled by the time you're thirty and wheelchair-bound." - From my Grandmother.

"That's so weird and alien-like." - After somebody felt my spine.

"DO YOGA! IT'LL CURE YOU!" - I know they're just trying to be helpful but I swear I've heard this at least a hundred times before. I do yoga, but it isn't a fix all.

I'm fine with people making joking comments about it, like my siblings say how curvy I am and laugh about how I run like a duck cause my one leg is longer than the other. That's fine, I like making jokes out of it too, but don't tell me I'm going to be crippled by the time I'm thirty, because 1: That's insensitive. And two: It's not true.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis

4) The Pain and Physical Limitations

An obvious one, and the most annoying in my opinion. I'm a teenager, yet I can't walk a couple of miles without my lower back aching like mad. I once walked 15+ miles within a 3-day span, and my back was hurting for a week afterward. I randomly get very sharp pains in my hips if I move a certain way that can last hours. I'm always stiff. I wake up in the middle of the night with pain in my ribs due to lack of support. My shoulders hurt. Basically, I'm always in some kind of pain and lemme tell you, it gets old after a while. Really old.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis

There are other things, but these are the main ones that stand out to me, so I'll be ending the take here. Thanks for reading, and if you have scoliosis, feel free to share some of the things that annoy you below.

The Annoying Things About Having Scoliosis
10 Opinion