Yes its attractive
I dont care
No its unattractive
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For toning and keeping herself in shape strength training is a good idea and I aupoort my girl in doing that currently. But for the purposes of building and shaping muscles.. nah , I don’t think that looks attractive. I prefer her to be as feminine as possible and to me developed muscles on a woman are just not feminine or attractive
There is NO DOUBT that your attractive, that’s undeniable.
Weight lifting is a very healthy activity. You won't necessarily become huge though, unless you eat a lot.
So by all means, women should do that. I prefer a feminine body, though.
Although, I'll probably be annoyed if she can lift more than me, cause I have a knee injury, ha.
So you wouldn't club the lady rhino pictured above, Levin? (Jeez, I think you and five-eight, THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY pound shot putter Holley Mangold would be a cute couple !!!)
@beefcakebradybatson I prefer 130 or under.
One sixty if she's about five-ten, but she's got to have about 40-inch boobs or she's FAT or at least chubby !!!
I don’t think it’s unattractive, but I’ve never heard a guy say that was an attractive feature about a girl. Some bodybuilder guys (the nonsexist ones) might like it.
No. Since there are superior ways of training, that are safer and allow eccentric overload (safely), lifting weights tells me more about lack of research.
I've been training all of my life too. You don't think a training method that simultaneously trains concentric, isometric and eccentric (allowing safe overload) while adjusting to your own ability levels is superior? You can produce 20-35% more force during eccentric, if we aren't taking advantage, I think we are losing out.
I agree to disagree :)
@Phoenix98 Yes it is certainly one of the most effective forms of training.
@Truthatanycost Please can you explain this method?
Most of the issues with weightlifting are poor form, using too much weight or one rep maxing.
If people kept it at say 10 reps, at a weight they could actually control in a full range of motion, then I would guess most people wouldn't get injured in the stupid way they do.
@Levin Yes that's true but if you want to train alone you will still be limited. The method I was talking about is a workout tool called the Synapse CCR. It uses a 4-1 pulley and is a unilateral form of training. After training with this, I felt like I'd had muscle therapy but it was still exhausting. The downside is you don't know how much resistance you are generating and to solve this would involve using a crane scale or something like the Aerobis Powerlink. However, I simply trained until muscle exhaustion each time without worrying about that.
The eccentric overload in this method pulls your arms down no matter how strong you are due to the 4-1 pulley. I train on an old isochain metal plate.
I like her very much, I think she is very attractive, a strong woman is my ideal type, I think muscles and physical strength are both added values in a woman.
Natural muscular women are very sensual in my opinion, unfortunately there are very few of them.
For me you have a good physique, I like it a lot, you are attractive to me.
I don’t care, I don’t find it ‘attractive’ in the same way if she were to pick up a package from the front porch.
If she were doing it in a ‘sexually attractive’ way then sure, like I heard one woman take charge and pick up her husband then walked him to the bed where she did all the work with cowgirl style and that kinda turned me on ngl.
I like more feminine women though lifting weights doesn’t make you masculine by default. Women can have an ‘rough’ side and a ‘submissive’ side. Honestly is exciting having a woman who is dominant against opponents irl then in the bedroom she is submissive for only you (the man she loves) like a ‘guard dog’ if that makes sense.
I absolutely LOVE it , now it depends on the individual of course - I'm sure you have seen what I mean? I know one girl on TRT and a whole lot of other stuff , thats not attractive , she has more facial hair than me , and a BIG deep voice..
If I’m just watching a competition or something sure it’s fine, doesn’t bother me. But if it’s an interest thing as far as does it turn me on? Would I date a girl like that? No. It’s ok to me if she’s using some light weights or something to tone up, but if she’s throwing around heavy weights. Not a turn on. Most women who are into that look manly, have manly feature. Maybe even a bitter face. Well wait no not even a bitter face.
Honestly though you don’t look like what I described. Nice firm backside.
But too you have a cute face.
As long as they are doing it correctly. Hate to see anyone screw up their back lifting incorrectly. And if you were in my gym I would stop what I was doing to watch you or better yet spot you when needed. 😊
No… I don’t watch girls but for you… I’d make an exception. 😉
No. I'm not gay so I don't want a girl who looks like a fake guy.
I clicked second as I´m not very muscular. I would say for me it´s more important that she has a healthy lifestyle rather than how much she lifts. Besides I find bodyweight exercises like for instance Calisthenics also an alternative.
i mean lifting weights is sport and doing sport is attractive so yeah. unless she does that sport so much that she ends up with hyper masculine body features, i do like that.
however it's very unattractive if women try to get attention for "doing sports", when they take pictures sticking their ass out. that's just trashy as all hell.
Yeah that's fine.
Most female weightlifters ARE masculine looking because of their musculature.
@beefcakebradybatson no. you're thinking of the extremes, that's why you say this.
I've got 17-inch arms;I don't need a woman who makes my arms seem small!!!
@beefcakebradybatson no idea why that's the type of woman you're thinking of. "body building" is by default the process of working out your body as to make it look better and skulpting it into the shape you want it to have. you must have mistaken "body building" with the attempt of brainlessly gaining as much mass as humanly possible. which to be fair "professional body building" has mostly turned into but that's not what it is.
As a handsome Brady, I want a woman who equals my good looks and has BIG BOOBS, NOT weightlifter biceps !!!
@beefcakebradybatson you're still thinking of the beefcake stereotype. you have the wrong thing on your mind.
I AM a beefcake, genericname85 !!!
@beefcakebradybatson yes but you gotta understand that "Body building" isn't just Ronnie Coleman style bulking. body building is hatever fitness exercise you do to make yourself look more appealing. it doesn't mean that a woman who does body building automatically looks like she hulk. it depends on what esthetic you go for. the word "body building" includes more than just the extremes.
I know, but the extremes seem to be pitched rather than the fit, toned lady. Unfortunately, few female lifters have big spuds, which would make them not my sort of lass.
@beefcakebradybatson well most people aren't going for the extremes. that's why they're called extremes :D i don't like super bulky masculine girls either. but i do like girls who work out to look great. and that's body building too.
It can be attractive yeah at the very least it's a plus in my eyes as I do like having a partner to workout with and you can help motivate each other and keep each other going.
Nothing much if it's legs since women's lifting leg strength is not far from a man's.. Might even find it slightly sexy.. But generally I don't think too much about it.
I like women who give me gifts. I don't care if she lifts weights.
Like it? Why? What is feminine and girly about that?
Roller Derby can be girly if the contestants resemble the late, great Raquel Welch, who despite her small size, had big boobs and was my ideal bird !!!
Let me put it this way... the above lady elephant wouldn't get the FIRST, let alone second look from the Golden Boy, but if these huge broads want to be weightlifters, I'm OK with it.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
It is not a surprise you are a lifelong bachelor because you even don't know how to talk to a woman. Yeah you are right you can only öğle nothing more because you are about to die. Don't go out in the winter. Always stay inside because as a dinosaur 🦖🦕 you can die because of cold ❄️🥶 you know Dinosaurs became extinct during the ice age.
@msg321 I'm a lifelong bachelor by CHOICE, msg321, because I wasn't sure I'd have been the sort of father children need, as my father was to my two sisters and me. And not to brag, but I've been approached in bars, stores, on the street, etc., by LOTS of women, including quite a few good-looking ones, so you can take that trash to the dump where it belongs !!!
Yeah I love that by the way don't get me wrong. You know I am always respectful to you but I want to say that in the photo your ass is to die for 😯
Nope. Totally indifferent at best. At worst it's like a woman growing a mustache.
It is your body. No male should expect you to shoot for the Barbie body. Many possibilities.
No, not really. I am more interested in women that play board games.
Fighting weakness is always cool
You already know you’re hot so just stop. You’re not the kind of person who needs to feed their ego here
To a certain extent, not muscular like a man and losing her feminine traits!
Yes but your upper legs are too much...
NOT AT ALL. If i wanted a heavy weight lifting girl, i would become gay and go for a man
@Viola_456 I just love "girly" girls, 100% feminine
Yes but if she has smaller legs, gour legs scare me they are like a buldozer
@Dreamclouds, they crush 😜
@Viola_456 🤣🤣 I'm sorry 😅
Buff and beautiful.🤪
I don't care. I just don't want to her have big muscles sticking out.
Love it. I love a strong body on a woman. You should message me I think we would have good conversations about lifting.
FYI your ass and legs look incredible here. Hard work definitely paying off for you!
every man likes a tonne of leg muscle and a horizontal butt. You can never have too much.
there's women on instagram who just squat and film themself and have millions of followers. Men love it.
I don't understand why in beauty pageants women have skinny legs and a flat butt. This is the opposite of what men like. I don't understand it. HUGE leg muscles in tight jeans is what we like. Why society does not know this I dunno.
I don't really care how much she lifts as long as she's in shape
Sorry, I was distracted by the woman. What was the question?
Sure, if it's a hot girl ;)
Big turn on in my opinion
I love a proper technique. It looks good!
I personally don’t care.
She must be strong on plow
I'd like you to pick me up and onto you lol
Awesome 🤣😀🤣
Sure as long as she is happy doing it.
@Viola_456 yes extremely attractive
Why should guys be like it?
So how much lift?
What's the heaviest you can carry?
Thats pretty good I think, nice maybe one day you can juggle them shits
What the heck you can lift 397 pounds?
Clearly, she's my taxi, she carries me everywhere, I stand on her hands like a king
I didn't know you were 397 pounds 😂😂🤣
Im not 😂
I'm lighter that's why it's so clear lol
Wow! I can only lift the 32 water case lol 🤣 for like 5 seconds lololol
Heeeeeeeell no
I love it.
it is hot.
It's sexy
Not Ike that
Step on me mommy
Get it done baby!
I don't like
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