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23 d

Does your job affect your relationship or/and your sex life?

I had a job a long time ago that mostly diminished my sex drive and desire to be in a relationship. It was high stress and it was more involved with people's problems than I wanted to be involved.... Education & Career

1 mo

Do you believe "The customer is always right." is the right approach in the service industry?

The customer can't always be right. Sometimes they can be unreasonable, to say the least. But it is a good customer service attitude to have, but only to an extent. Education & Career

1 mo

Do you miss college?

Yes I do miss college. I miss the camaraderie among the students. I miss meeting new people all of the time. I don't miss studying into the night for major exams, which at times seemed like one a... Education & Career

2 mo

Is it acceptable to trash talk your former employer at a job interview?

I won't say that you "can't", but you have to be careful with it. If you trash them too much, they will see you as vindictive and they might not consider you to be a good hire. I did do that once... Education & Career

2 mo

Do you or have you ever had a supervisor that is grumpy or always in a bad mood?

I did have a couple of them. However they weren't grumpy all the time. Maybe 50% of the time. One guy, if he had been nice for a week or so, had to play "the ass card" for a few days to make up... Education & Career

3 mo

As a young adult/adult have you ever or would you take your parent to a job interview?

The first time I heard of "going to a job interview with a parent" was about ten years ago and I was shocked. I mean, who would do that? And what kind of parent would do that? I wonder if it is a... Education & Career

3 mo

Would you move far away to get ahead in life?

I did do that a long time ago, actually. When I graduated from grad school, I was already priced out of the area where I grew up because the cost of living there soared. So I moved to an area that... Education & Career

3 mo

Are your HOLIDAY DECORATIONS still up?

I didn't really have any up to begin with... LOL Holidays

4 mo

Was there Anything that Infuriated you Over the Holidays?

No, not really. Just a few family issues that are a little frustrating but not that big of a deal. Holidays

4 mo

How many of You Reached your Goal this Month in Losing Ten Pounds?

I lost a few pounds in November, but then I went on a cruise... LOL... After the new year I'll cut calories a bit. Holidays

4 mo

Why would a doctor who makes 300K+ a year still be living in an apartment?

Good question. A doctor who is single might not want to spend the time taking care of a house with a yard, etc. Or might be young and saving money to pay cash for a house later. Or a house just... Education & Career

4 mo

Can You Learn a New Language on Your Own?

It is best to have a teacher so you can be coached on the best pronunciation, etc. Education & Career

4 mo

Is it acceptable to go into a good job (long term potential) rather than go to school?

Depends on a lot of factors. Hard to answer on this forum. Since college can be so expensive now a days, working at a well paying job can be a good choice to avoid the cost of college. However if... Education & Career

4 mo

Is healthcare (doctors, nurses etc) the only field that has white collar jobs who don’t sit behind a desk all day?

Good question, because one reason why I chose healthcare as a job was for that reason. I didn't want to sit behind a desk all day. My last job I was only at a desk for maybe 3 hours out of the... Education & Career

4 mo

Does anyone here work in radiology?

I know a lot of healthcare workers who work in radiology. Most seem to like it. What in particular are you leaning towards? Education & Career

4 mo

Is medicine really the only well paid meaningful career?

There are decent jobs that pay well besides medical careers. Engineering, air traffic control, just to name two. Education & Career

4 mo

Is it a good idea to start looking for a new job after I broke up with a colleague I was romantically involved with?

I had to do that when I was 26. I dated a coworker but it didn't work out. I was happy to remain civil over it but she turned toxic and weird. So I started looking for another job. There were... Education & Career

4 mo

Why would someone go to college to get a 4 year degree in a low paying field?

In years past, it wasn't as big of a deal because college wasn't nearly as expensive. But in today's world, often graduating students have a lot of debt, so it can be difficult to pay back their... Education & Career

4 mo

What would you think is the hardest profession/field to work in?

Physician. The level of knowledge needed and the level of responsibility. Red tape, required paperwork. There can be very long hours and being tired. But I"m sure others on the above list can be... Education & Career

4 mo

How hard is it to study and work at the same time?

Depends how hard of classes a person is taking, and how much sleep they need. It is nice when a person doesn't have to work at the same time they are going to college, if they can get by with it. Education & Career

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