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10 mo

My ex and I got into a physical dispute last month and he moved on quickly into a new relationship. Was this his intention to date this person?

I'm sorry you are going through all this but you have to understand it's not a healthy relationship. It's already gotten physical what more do you want? Do you want to end up in a hospital? It's... Break Up & Divorce

10 mo

Did I overreact?

For him being a guy you would think he would want to take you out and pay for the movie. Are you two officially together? Dating

10 mo

AM I wrong for getting upset over his lack of commitment?

Why is he sleeping so much? Does he work late hours... Relationships

11 mo

Is this a good idea?

I think it’s amazing when the guy takes initiative, it shows how caring you are and if that’s how you are don’t change but if you do want more from her try to do a little less so she can reach out... Dating

11 mo

Gym manager is into me but I’m nervous as hell and can’t seem to have a proper convo with him? Does his actions seem like a f*ckboy type?

Sounds like he isn’t just as nervous to approach you. If he is the manager he has to be careful because women could twist it and say he is making them feel uncomfortable. Sounds like he is trying... Flirting

11 mo

Advice from women?

You're setting yourself up for failure if you keep looking at every little thing she does or doesn't do. You need to consider disconnecting from things that make you thin that way. It's not... Relationships

11 mo

Why does my ex boyfriends mum continue to check in on me? Does it mean there’s a chance we could get back together?

Sounds like what happened with my ex and his family. His dad kept in touch, and it was more like he missed me and I'm sure to get some sense into what his son missed out on. Honestly I had to... Break Up & Divorce

11 mo

Can I please have some encouraging words right now? And please show me some good way to move on faster?

I'm sorry you are going through this pain, we have all been there. I know that it's easier said but time does heal. It takes time to feel like yourself again and it takes time to start forgetting... Break Up & Divorce

11 mo

Does she like me more than a friend?

Could possibly be that she is just super friendly but if you get a different vibe as you stated then maybe she's not to sure about her relationship Flirting

1 y

Share your thoughts on this please?

Sounds like he might like you and maybe isn't too sure of his relationship with his girl Relationships

1 y

What's the deal with this girl?

Sounds like what I would you use to do. Even if I like someone for some reason it's hard for me to initiate it. I'll agree to meet up and in my head that is a lot to show interest but on the guys... Relationships

1 y

Should I tell my friend I gained weight?

I mean if it's something you feel like saying to him you can, plus people change throughout the years Dating

1 y

Could this have messed it up?

No not at all. If she's interested she will respond back if not maybe she doesn't like guys who drink.. Dating

1 y

Do you agree that “its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”?

Yes I def agree. It teaches you a lot of how you want to be treated and it helps you accept that some things just don't work out Relationships

1 y

Should I make a move on her?

You can just try and see what she says. Like hey I remember you from the old group how are you. Would you like to get some coffee sometime Dating

1 y

How do I heal my broken heart?

Sounds a lot like me. My ex broke up with me and I felt a little alone and decided to text him. We talked for hours over the weekend but it's like all we will ever be is just friends. That was my... Break Up & Divorce

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