What's the deal with this girl?

So I've been dating this girl for 2 months. We've only hung out a handful of times, and went on a short trip together. Every time was because I asked her to hang out or invited her over.

She texts me almost every day, and she initiates it most of the time (I know that's important to people on here). The messages are usually short and sweet, but nonetheless, that's not an issue.

The problem is, she's never shown any interest in wanting to meet up. She'll throw subtle hints at me like "I miss you" or "I'm bored", but she's never actually directly asked me or said she wants to hang out.

When I ask her if she's coming over, she'll just say "if you want me to", or "just let me know"... stuff like that.

She'll agree to hang out every time I ask her, but why doesn't she ever show any real desire to see me, unless I want to?
It's very one-sided and strange.

(Yes, I believe it's the responsibility of both people to show desire to want to spend time with each other. Don't give me this garbage about it's solely on the man. That's not how a healthy relationship works)
What's the deal with this girl?
2 Opinion