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+1 y

Do we love different partners differently?

If we love them differently then we don't love them at all Relationships

+1 y

How playful are you with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

I'm very playful as a single entity, i think i would be crazily playful as a couple😀😀 Relationships

+1 y

Is it a Deal breaker if someone isn’t active/doesn’t exercise?

You gotta take care of yourself men, hit the gym Dating

+1 y

Have you ever loved someone from afar? Literal or figurative distance?

Yeah i do, most of my relationships were long distance. It nice and lonely Relationships

+1 y

Why would a pretty girl be single (not by choice)?

First it about looks which she got, secondly can she talk politely and hold a reasonable conversation, thirdly is she rude and arrogant, those things can chase them out quickly Dating

+1 y

Do you think men should be allowed to go to a STRIP CLUB if they are in a committed relationship?

That's an access to say, sorry it just happened never meant to. Stay at home imma strip for ya😂😂 Dating

+1 y

Why do people (mostly girls) claim that the "friend zone" doesn't exist when there is ample evidence that it does?

It does exist but you've to really get the tip that she doesn't like you in the beginning before it leads to this Relationships

+1 y

Happy Friends' day everyone?

That's cute, same to you then Valentine's Day

+1 y

Valentines Day for a single girl?

Let's get drunk that day, probably have a sleep over😂😂 Valentine's Day

+1 y

How many of you all are single in this Valentine?

🙌🙌🙌🙌sadly I'm one of them Valentine's Day

+1 y

Once a cheater always a cheater.. True or False?

I believe it false, the person might feel guilty for what he or she did and never will go back to it. Cheating once might be due to circumstances and some might be genuinely be repented of that... Dating

+1 y

Girlfriend is letting herself go? Should I break up?

U gotta work together babe, or break up nicely at least u owe her that, 10 months is a long time to be with someone. You guys have lost interest in each other, that's what your post mean to me,... Dating

+1 y

Have you ever had your heart BEYOND BROKEN, to shattered?

Nah i haven't and I will seriously punch him in the face if he tries it😂😂 Relationships

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