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27 d

Is it normal to have a hard time forgiving myself even when the person already forgave?

It's called regret and yes it's normal. You don't need to forgive yourself, you need to absorb the lessons you learned causing the regret (not able to forgive yourself) and apply that to your... Family & Friends

1 mo

My friend's 18 years old daughter is going to meet her Dad tomorrow for the first time. Both my friend and her daughter are nervous, how can I help?

This will be really hard, there are so many pitfalls. That said, and I realise you will know that. The reason I stated the very obvious there is that you need to keep that in your mind and keep it... Family & Friends

1 mo

A close friend of mine is acting weird towards me and I don't know if I should distance myself or try to save the friendship?

Okay, so, it sounds like your friend is just missing the closeness your two shared before you got serious with your boyfriend. She's probably feeling hurt because a part of you is being taken away... Family & Friends

1 mo

Why does my friend think I’m wrong for distancing our friendship when she owes me money?

No friendship should be broken or made based on money. So, your friend let you down by not repaying you and thats true. It's also making sense for you not to loan her more money and make it... Family & Friends

1 mo

People often distance themselves from me as soon as they got to know me better. It's starting to bother me and I don't know what the cause is?

There can be so many causes for this. I'll share some advice a good friend shared with me about dealing with people, "be bright, be light, be gone". Her advice was to smile the whole time and take... Family & Friends

1 mo

Do you think my mum is controlling or concerned?

It very much depends how old you are to what the answer is. For a young girl, under the age of 16, then a mother being hyper concerned about what she's doing when she's out is pretty run of the... Family & Friends

1 mo

Do you think it is wrong for a man to only have male friends and no female friends?

I think usually a guy having more female friends than male is expectable. It doesn't seem to vary that much either with sexuality as far as I can observe. I would say that a guy who avoided a... Family & Friends

1 mo

My older cousin from a different country thinks keeping in touch means texting everyday and all day, how do I get this to stop?

Goodness, thats annoying behaviour. That said, you might want to get a new phone number and just keep your respectful friends on that number. Then you can turn the phone she continuiously texts... Family & Friends

1 mo

Is it better having no friends?

No. It's best to have a few really really really good friends. It's also best to meet people who might be more than a friend often and just relax with them as a friend. However, sometimes, we... Family & Friends

1 mo

Am I wrong for ending our friendship?

First answer is, noone can know if your wrong or right... but I can speak generally about ending friendships. Any friend is always in the wrong when ending a friendship on the word, say or... Family & Friends

1 mo

Anyone else feel they can't tell their family anything?

I think every family has their quirks for sure. I can probably tell my family (meaning my parents) anything, but I wouldn't plan to tell them everything, I like a good separation betwen my... Family & Friends

1 mo

How do I text secretly on moms phone?

Get your own phone. Their inexpensive for a "pay as you go" disposable and it will be less hassle all round. Noone should be secretly using someone elses phone. It wouldn't be about who you... Family & Friends

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