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1 h

As you've gotten older, has the idea of marriage become less or more valuable to you?

I am going to inherit millions when my parents die and I will not date out of desperation, whether social or financial. I will play the field until I find a very good person that wants to marry me... Marriage & Weddings

2 h

Have you ever dated someone that was broke? Did it bother you?

I dated a guy who was extremely broke and I was perfectly happy with our financial situation. Neither one of us had immediate financial obligations so we were focused on skill building and future... Dating

1 d

Is it bad if I avoid dating and relationships and I just try to become more physically attractive (looksmaxx) and get wealthy (moneymaxx) ?

I read a free psychology article and the psychologist said people who marry people they are deeply interested in will one day wake up and realize the person has lost all their appeal. It's part of... Dating

1 d

Do you believe God is a man or a woman?

I believe God is circumscribed as male in dialogue because the bible says the masculine identity is the default identity and the female identity was created as a beautiful diversion from the... Religion & Spirituality

1 d

Before entering a relationship with someone, do you take notice to see if he/she wears a ring (married)?

I would assume a guy would let me know his status usually after one minute of conversation. Most married men tell me they are taken in the first conversation where I am just saying, hi or bye. Relationships

1 d

Is it okay to break no contact in order to offer condolences?

I think sending a card or a baked pie through a family delivery driver is better than a text that might encourage her to chase you. Break Up & Divorce

2 d

Do women want millionaire guys ideally?

I get pleasure from giving gifts but get almost no pleasure from receiving gifts. I want to be the rich person that takes care of our kids and in laws and friends. Not the housewife that gets... Dating

2 d

What age did you have your first serious relationship?

I got my first boyfriend less than 8 hours after my last lecture in university for my undergraduate degree, I won’t say the age. I told him I liked him and he approved of me. Relationships

4 d

Has giving an ultimatum ever actually solved an issue for anyone?

I read humans appreciate border situations which is why beaches are so popular cause it's where the sand meets the water. In the same way, I found the last guy I dated was far more responsive when... Relationships

4 d

What are the best wedding dress alterations for every bride's dream?

I think the prettiest dress is the cinderella style dress I saw in my first movie as a 5 year old. That might be costly to make so I will go for anything formal that covers me and makes me look... Marriage & Weddings

4 d

T or F? Alpha males are fearless trailblazers who love to be in control while beta males are kind, gentle souls who prioritize personal connections?

Would you eat a caviar dinner if there were dead insects inside your food? People chase the caviar but do not chase the sanitary food, then when they find insects in their caviar it's too late to... Dating

4 d

What's the reaction of women who play hard when men don't chase as expected?

I would never date a guy who mocks me and talks bad about me by suggesting I'm a loser who plays games. I expect the same mutual respect for your boyfriend or girlfriend that you would offer a... Dating

5 d

Does it make sense I left my girlfriend?

I eat lunch with girls I have known since I was 10 years old. They are married and female. Dating

5 d

If your partner asked to have a boxing match would you take their challenge?

No, either I would get hit or he would get hit. Not a good outcome. Dating

6 d

My fiancée snatched food out of my hand and ate it?

Yes it's rude to snatch food from others. Just like I would get jailed if I stole a chicken nugget from a stranger at a burger joint. The fact you are dating does to give him the right to steal... Relationships

6 d

Agree or Disagree: You don't have to have similar interests to be happy in your relationship you need to have similar hates?

I would say compatibility is the main thing and not necessarily having similar likes or hates. A guy who wants to spend Saturday fishing with the guys is compatible with a girl who wants to spend... Relationships

7 d

How often should you see your crush?

I would like to see a guy at least once a week if we lived in the same city as each other. If we are both busy, it does not have to last longer than 2 hours. We could go for coffee and then bolt. Dating

7 d

What were some red flags you ignored in your previous relationship?

I learned he was faking kindness with some people he knew from school and I overlooked it, not realizing he might also have secret misgivings towards me that he never shared openly until we broke up. Relationships

8 d

Who is the craziest person you ever dated?

The last guy wasn’t crazy but had fears about trusting people. He was slow to show tenderness and initiative. Dating

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