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6 mo

Can you understand English speakers with different accents?

for the most part i understand English speakers with different accents. but it definitely can sometimes be difficult if not hard Society & Politics

6 mo

Check this crazy video out. What's the best gun for home invasion protection in your opinion?

hand gun. a shot gun will work but it is messy as hell and will involve collateral damage. an assault style rife is simply overkill and again will involve collateral damage hand gun is the most... Society & Politics

6 mo

Do you believe in the second amendment?

i believe in teh 2nd amendment but not as the pro-gun folks would suggest, that it gives 100% freedom to own guns "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the... Society & Politics

6 mo

Now that Mexico's lost at least 80% of its population, shouldn't we just take it over?

i don't necessarily understand the logic. you don't seem to want "them" in the country but then you want to take over the country so that you will have more of "them" in your country. is that... Society & Politics

6 mo

Do you believe people as individuals, deserve the right to be happy and not be judged by others?

everyone deserves a right to achieve and fight happiness. i suppose we are all entitled to it but happiness is our own pursuit so we have to find a way to be happy in a manner that fits in with... Society & Politics

6 mo

I bought food to a junkie woman?

what do you feel bad about? you did something nice for someone it was better to not just give money but rather buy food. i would just probably buy something a little more nourishing than cookies Society & Politics

6 mo

What’s your opinion on the mass shooting that just happened today in Maine?

the guy may be from Hamas? don't put b. s. out there. he's an American military guy who was committed to a mental institution just a few months ago. i think it's awful. what else are we to think?... Society & Politics

7 mo

Should I not vote if my family and people around me say that girls and women shouldn’t vote?

if YOU want to vote YOU should do it. no one else really should have a say in the matter Society & Politics

7 mo

How would you respond if a white person was using ebonics (AAVE)?

meh. language that starts out in a location tends so spread. consider the slang terms of the 90s, dude, bro, brotha, homie, what up, yo, etc, etc. all of those have spread behind any one culture... Society & Politics

7 mo

Has it become a taboo in westren communities to blame Israel for any war crime?

i think in some areas of close minded people yes it has become taboo. it is unfortunate that ascribing blame to israel in the conflict has even been labeled as antisemitic. it really ruins the... Society & Politics

7 mo

If native Americans had conflict w New world Americans as Palestine has conflict w Israel?

i don't know. i think this is an impossible question to really answer because there are so many conditions would we be giving back the land their ancestors originally lived on would we be... Society & Politics

7 mo

Israel Or Palestine, Who Is In The Wrong?

there is wrong on both sides. both feel entitled to the land, both feel to have a just claim to the land, both have initiated violence, both have been on the receiving end of really disgusting... Society & Politics

7 mo

What do you think of men being drafted into war if we go into ww3?

i think it would suck i don't think it's going to happen. i don't think ww3 is likely to happen. ww1 was in the 1910s, ww2 was about 20 years later. it's almost 100 years since and we aren't... Society & Politics

7 mo

Is anyone getting tired of all these wars?

yes... and it may be seen as an excuse but it is sort of just human nature right? since the dawn of humanity have been violent conflicts. in fact we may be a slightly more peaceful world than we... Society & Politics

7 mo

Why is that political left wing people tend to care more about culture and the arts then people on the political right?

is that the case? what party has been losing it over bud light? country music? i think in recent times it's become pretty much the same on both sides. everyone is overly sensitive. triggered to... Society & Politics

7 mo

What is the best way to boycott pbs?

turn off the channel. boom. solved your problem. Society & Politics

7 mo

What was the purpose of the Iran Deal?

the goal to financially incentivize them to cease nuclear programs. their economy had been in the tanks so it idea was is we bosltered their economy then they may feel compelled to stop the... Society & Politics

7 mo

When the media and the world demands Israel “show restraint,” use a “proportional response,” “take measured actions,” what is their real agenda?

i think the goal is to not sink to the level of terrorists who target women and children and allow women and children to be their human shields. one bad turn doesn't deserve another. and in... Society & Politics

7 mo

Whose side are you on between Palestine and Israel?

neither one nor the other. i'm for the peaceful resolution of a geo-political war that has taken the lives of 1000s upon 1000s of innocent people. both leaderships have enough blood on their hands. Society & Politics

7 mo

Should the mass media be held criminally liable for inciting riots/violence if they are intentionally misreporting world events?

i guess. but i suppose then we have to define what the penalties are. and international laws like this are pretty much non-existent. i'm all for holding the media to standards. but it is a he said... Society & Politics

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