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3 mo

What is your favourite time of the day to workout or train?

I hate them all, but I still have to do it, whenever I can squeeze it in lately. I used to go about 10:00 in the morning 3x/week several years ago when I was quite diligent. Health & Fitness

3 mo

What do you expect from your lover on February 14?

We usually splurge and split a box of chocolates and cards. Valentine's Day

3 mo

What makes you feel refreshed after a long day?

An almost-hot shower and an almost-ice-cold Coke! Health & Fitness

3 mo

Do you B. F (brush and floss) your teeth regularly?

Yes. But, they WILL get yellow, unless you specifically bleach them. Health & Fitness

3 mo

I am planning to lose my weight do y'all have any advice? And which weight should I am for?

(This is assuming you saw your doc and got cleared and receive Tx for the stress stuff). Start by increasing your exercising, and NOT by reducing your food intake immediately. The idea is to... Health & Fitness

3 mo

Up To This Point in Time with All of The Covid Shots and Boosters, Do you Feel People you See or even Know, Have gotten more Sick from This?

We know of two who died from it! In one- especially- the husband was a laid back guy. Docs asked about what Tx he wanted. "Whatever". But he was really in no condition to deal with his Tx. By the... Health & Fitness

3 mo

Do you have all your body parts?

Docs took out a piece of L arm tendon to fix my shoulder, replaced lenses in eyes, tonsils got removed as a kid. Health & Fitness

3 mo

Why, oh why, oh WHY do people do this?

Maybe they just want to be able to breathe. ;- ) Health & Fitness

3 mo

With Covid Strains Going On Everywhere, Flu and Colds and even More This Winter, Are you Resorting Back to Mask Wearing?

No I'm not. If I feel that will help in an individual situation, I would consider it. Not even our doctor's office requires them unless you are obviously sick. Health & Fitness

3 mo

Is it actually impossible to get muscular from the gym without eating healthy a lot?

You build muscle when you work your muscles. Technically, you work your muscles and then on the "off-days", your body takes amino acids, creates protein molecules, and rebuilds your muscle cells... Health & Fitness

4 mo

Are you good at controlling your emotions?

Great , up to a point. Then watch out. Health & Fitness

4 mo

What's Wrong With My Ear?

Ear problem, tooth problem, jaw/mandibular problem, combination of problems. Problem in the semi-circular canals per se . There are dozens of possible answers here. If you can't get to an ER... Health & Fitness

4 mo

Was there Anything that Infuriated you Over the Holidays?

Don't we have some sort of 20,000 word limit here? Lots of petty things, along with the total over-riding of the Reason for the Season with sales and profiteering. But, I don't think that will go... Holidays

4 mo

Hapoy New Year guys! How did you welcome the new year?

My wife and I split a box of M&M's while fireworks went off outside. Holidays

4 mo

Any glass wearers here?

You can pay an extra fee to your dispensing optician when they are made to have a "hydrophobic/oliophobic" coating (water and oil repelling) added to the surfaces. Costs are about$30-100 depending... Health & Fitness

4 mo

How long did you have to go to the gym before you saw significant changes in you?

It took about 3-4 months, but even when I eased off due to physical necessity, my body continued to lose bulk, even though my weight increased a bit. Muscle is denser than fat, and the exercise... Health & Fitness

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