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1 mo

If a driver injures or unalives someone in a crash, should it be mandatory they go to their funeral as a part of their bond condition?

1. "Unalive?" Say what you mean. "If a driver injures or kills someone in a crash. . ." 2. People who are only injured don't have funerals. 3. I doubt the family would want to see the person who... Society & Politics

1 mo

Can you tell pretty Asian women vs ugly Asian women? a lot westerners think we look the same?

What Asian consider to be an attractive Asian does not match up with what Americans consider to be an attractive Asian. Dating

1 mo

What is usually the first moment on a good first date when you feel physical arousal?

When I was dating, if a first date was going well, I would try to get a goodnight kiss. That's when I knew. . . Dating

1 mo

Why did you choose the username you did for this platform? What is the meaning behind it if there is one?

As I wrote on my profile, "I'm not the oldest user on this web site and I don't think I am the wisest. My user name was chosen to indicate that I am much wiser now than I was when I was a young... Other

1 mo

Girls, what's the best way for me to ask a girl out?

Pickup lines are cheesy and this girl is a friend, so be sincere with her and she will respect you. "Hey, you know there's a dance on June 11 and I could go by myself, but I'd really rather go... Flirting

1 mo

Would you end a relationship with someone if you didn’t like one of their friends?

1. "My ex wants to be official with me again" You break up and most of the time, one of the two doesn't want the breakup. 2. "and I told her it’s Not going to happen." So you know what you want... Relationships

1 mo

Got called by another girls name?

If he was having sex with her over a long period of time, and she still "practically lives" at his house, then the odds are extremely high that he is still boinking her. Unless they have a child... Relationships

1 mo

My boyfriend said i'm not the best he's ever had. Do you think it is bad?

Of course you want to be the best, but. . . the best sex I ever had. . . it was a tie between two different partners. They were both great for different reasons but the sex was excellent. But one... Relationships

1 mo

So I asked this guy for an apology today w?

You left out about 98% of the details needed to make sense of your question. Dating

1 mo

Is it okay to break no contact in order to offer condolences?

I would do so in writing. Perhaps send flowers to the funeral. If you were close to her father, and if she is not yet dating anyone else, it would be okay to attend the funeral but I would arrive... Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

What did y'all do this weekend?

I drove my wife and I home from our honeymoon on Friday. She had to work on Saturday and Sunday, and I did a little bit of housework but mostly vegged out for the weekend. Other

1 mo

Do you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I am conservative and would have preferred a different Republican candidate in 2016, but I was a Never Hillary voter. Despite his buffoonery, I agreed with most of Trump's agenda and he was... Society & Politics

1 mo

Should I try again?

Instead of trying now to decide whether she should be your future wife, why don't you just stop with planning the future and enjoy getting to know her now? Dating

1 mo

Ever since I blocked my ex girlfriend I feel so much better? Is that normal?

Unless you have children with her, why would you want to maintain any form of contact? Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Workplace and YouTube video examples. Are single mother households healthy for your country?

On average, children develop much better if they live in a home with both a mother and a father. Single parent households are not healthy for any country. Relationships

1 mo

He got someone else pregnant and now he's begging me to take him back what do I do?

YOU are responsible for breeding with this illiterate garbage that calls himself a man, and I can only assume that you enjoy this kind of drama. When it gets to be too much, go get an injunction... Relationships

1 mo

Does it make sense I left my girlfriend?

So she is not allowed to have male friends and you are not allowed to have female friends? Doesn't that seem a bit insecure to you? Dating

1 mo

Will Donald Trump deliver world peace?

The world may be at peace a bit more with him at the helm but NO world leader since the beginning of time has been able to deliver absolute world peace. I certainly wouldn't trust Biden to be at... Society & Politics

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