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3 mo

Ever avoid doing the things you did with your ex?

no because that means he still has a hold of me. life doesn't end after your breakup. i still hang in his neighborhood, and if he sees me then oh well. Break Up & Divorce

3 mo

Who takes rejection more harshly, men or women?

women will have their feelings hurt, and men will literally kill you for saying no. so id say men. Dating

3 mo

What do you consider to be a "long" romantic relationship in terms of time?

honestly, more than 8 months. most relationships nowadays last a few months, but once you hit that 6 month mark that seems serious to me. Relationships

4 mo

How common is it for a 34 year old lady to be interested in a guy in his early twenties (please read description)?

it’s just weird lol. what could a divorcee have in common with a recent college graduate? Dating

4 mo

What is your opinion on Dating Apps vs. Traditional Dating? Which do you prefer?

I've met people in person and on dating apps. dating apps are nice because you'll meet somebody 10 miles away you wouldve never met before, either because of distance, work, or just never crossing... Dating

4 mo

Should I pay him back for the shoes?

dont send shit to that dumbass. if he was broke he shouldn't have paid, thats in him. but thats fucking crazy he did that, and the fact he knows where you live is a bit concerning. whenever... Relationships

4 mo

Girls, Why do women take dating and relationship advice from other women?

im curious on what you consider bad advice from women. all women advice I've been given has been helpful, but i dont follow some of it. its to each their own. Dating

4 mo

Is smoking a deal breaker for you?

i smoke socially and recreationally, so not really. i smoke cigarettes when im drunk, i vape maybe every two months, and i smoke weed like four times a month. HOWEVER, i won't date a... Dating

4 mo

When you are in a long romantic kiss, do you kiss with your eyes open the whole time, or closed?

closed. whoever opens their eyes during a kiss is going to steal your kidneys, fact. Dating

4 mo

What are some good date ideas if I have severe dietary restrictions (I’m vegan) and I don’t drink alcohol?

umm just dont go to restaurants? LMAO you can go to the park, museum, gokarting, hiking, one of those painting or ceramics classes, etc. depends on the type of person you are. find a hobby... Dating

4 mo

What is it with guys who guy to work everyday while their wife stays home and spends every dime they make?

if you're able to financially provide for your woman it shows you're confident in what you have, and you make bank. personally wouldn't date a broke man who let me pay, sorry. Relationships

4 mo

How easily do you get emotionally attached to someone // get feelings for them? What causes it for you?

it really depends on the person. i find myself more emotionally invested in somebody who is independent and firm in what they want. ill begin emotionally investing, but i won't be heartbroken if... Relationships

4 mo

Guys, do you open the door for your girlfriend/wife after months or years of being together?

I've only had one guy ever hold all doors for me, like car doors and other doors. and only like 2 actually hold doors on buildings for me. its like, a 1 in 15 chance. but it’s really nice when... Relationships

4 mo

Is Monogamy inherently toxic?

if you think there is always jealousy or anger in relationships that is on YOU, because healthy relationships dont really have those. yeah, maybe you'll get jealous once or twice but you won't... Relationships

4 mo

What makes good men get 'grass is greener" syndrome after being in a loving relationship?

so you actually asked two questions in your post. the first being about the term “grass is greener”, and i’ll answer that one first. men tend to see qualities in another woman that they... Dating

6 mo

What foods should be avoided on a first date?

Definitely fast food. Other than that, eat whatever you want. Dating

9 mo

Which ultimate quality should a woman have to be "wife material" ?

wife material is a woman who you want to marry. just like husband material is a man id want to marry. it depends what you're looking for :) Dating

1 y

Which gender struggles more with getting over someone and why?

I think it’s similar for both genders. Typically men appear to handle it better because you can’t be sentimental with your peers or the outside world. Relationships

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