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1 mo

You think I'd pay $3,000 for it?

Unless it's made of high-tensile steel, Japanese silk and Kevlar, I can't imagine why. Fashion & Beauty

1 mo

Does this lace dress look like underwear to you?

Unless you're an exhibitionist, this isn't something you should wear except in very narrow instances. It is perfect as a sexy nightie, for sure. If you're going to a club where the lighting is dim... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

How the fuck do I get my boyfriend to stop wearing short shorts?

As the Romans said 2000+ years ago: THere's no accounting for tastes. Why don't you buy him a pair of the long, baggy ones and say how much you like it when he wears them. He might don them every... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

How many times should I use shampoo a week?

As long as you use a conditioner, you can shampoo your hair when it gets dirty and sweaty, or when you feel like it. I bathe daily and shampoo my hair along with cleaning the rest of me. Your head... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

Roses are just traditional fare. Have nothing to do with what the guy is or isn't doing in the relationship. However, I saw somewhere that the color of the roses has to do with the meaning of the... Valentine's Day

2 mo

Is there any practice or something to reshape my boobies without surgery?

Your breasts, unless you have genetic damage, are shaped like your mother, aunt, female cousins, grandmother and so on. They are genetically determined. There are some breast-lifting exercises... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

What do you think about muscular girls?

I don't like extremes in any body forms or practices. I don't want to look extremely fat, thin or muscular. I think muscularity that is functional is what I want and is how I want to look. Being... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

Why do girls wear see through clothing nowadays?

Yep. I've seen this on people going on cruises, as I used to work doing this until December of 2023. It's a fashion thing and it's clearly a "sex" thing. It's a way to be "naked" without... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

Are breast implants attractive or just a fake turn off?

Once they're installed in a woman's body they aren't fake. Their SIZE might be augmented, but they're part of the woman's breasts. There's no such thing as a "fake" turn-on. If big breasts turn... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

What’s something that people think makes them look cool but actually has the opposite effect?

It's all a matter of what you like. If a body of tats doesn't do it for you, it's not cool. If a mullet is too off, then that, too, doesn't work. Pants hanging down below your ass... big, big... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

Do you prefer to be clothes-free at home?

I'm of the ilk that your body oozes oils and bacteria. Clothes sop up sweat, those oils and =whatever else sticks to you. Clothes keep your furniture and your bed clean. It's winter, even in the... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

What you think of my new tattoo?

Your choice to do with your bod what you want. But what if you decide you're tired of this look? Will take an awful lot of laser removal and money to get rid of it. Lots easier ways to get a... Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

Do you keep up with trends?

Only ones that interest me. I like to see what's going on in housing, interior design trends. I like classic clothes. They always look right. A new color can dress up your fashion. I keep in touch... Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

What are your thoughts on breast implants?

I think unless you have deformed breasts because of some anomaly, there is no need to get implants. There's nothing wrong with having small, but shapely breasts. Big breasts get in the way when... Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

What do you wear at home?

I'm usually in regular clothes because I go in and out of the house to work in the garden. After 7 or 8 pm, it's night clothes. Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

In the last days of the year, what is something you regret not doing this year but will definitely do next year?

I did not get really top-notch fireworks that did fancy things. For the 4th of July, I am investing more into sparkly ones that shoot off some colorful stuff. It's time to graduate into the medium... Holidays

4 mo

Are you looking forward to a return to normality in the New Year?

Never departed from it.. Holidays just mean a few more parties and family get-togethers. Nothing abnormal about that. Oh and shooting off fireworks. Wish there could me a little more of that.... Holidays

4 mo

It is inappropriate to gift money for Christmas?

MONEY IS ALWAYS an appropriate gift. This is especially true when the gifter is a relative at a distance in age or actual distance, or can't get you what they'd like to, or shop WITH you. One... Holidays

4 mo

What would be the perfect Christmas gift for a long distance relationship?

Ending the "long-distance" in the relationship would alter the dynamic and bring reality to bear. If the LD has been going on more than a few weeks, it's been going on too long. Meet in person and... Holidays

4 mo

Do you buy yourself Christmas gifts?

Who knows what I want best but me! I always buy myself little gifts. A few days ago, I bought eyeliner and mascara. I shop Walgreens' and CVS's makeup aisles, and check out new OPI nail colors.... Holidays

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