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4 mo

How often do you get a haircut?

Get a trim every six to eight weeks. Fashion & Beauty

5 mo

How do you cope with being alone on Christmas?

I'd suggest that you plan to have some people over, say two or three, for dinner. People like yourself who don't have anywhere to go. Make it a Christmas potluck. You're all old enough to be able... Holidays

5 mo

Have you ever dated someone "just for the holidays" so you wouldn't have to show up alone to events?

I've heard of this. But no. I was never on a holiday parties list where I had to show up with someone. Everyone was glad to have ME show up. No brag. Just fact! Holidays

5 mo

Do you celebrate Christmas the 24th or 25th?

Another interesting holiday question. We didn't open presents until after midnight Mass, w hich was always fun to go to. And PACKED with children, adults and all. It was a big deal. In fact, I... Holidays

5 mo

What do you traditionally have for Christmas morning breakfast?

This is an interesting question. I don't recall =xmas morning breakfast being anything out of the ordinary. Maybe pancakes. But the big deal is supper is early in the afternoon. Then the fancy... Holidays

5 mo

Any chance of a White Christmas for you?

Nope. A real rarity in New Orleans. Holidays

5 mo

Do you like to wear Christmas theme clothes?

IF it's a good looking sweater or such, but the above photos are only appropriate for Christmas-themed costumer parties. They're silly. Something with a few big snowflakes on a dark background is... Holidays

5 mo

Why do women need to be so thin?

It's called anorexia. It's a psychological and physical illness that often leads to permanent body damage and sometimes to death. Bulimia is a version where the person yo-yos between horrid... Fashion & Beauty

5 mo

What are your favorite Thanksgiving/Fall activities that you do with your loved ones?

I'm having a ball dry brining a small turkey with rosemary from my garden, bay leaves from my cousin's tree and loads of garlic! Will be buying oysters to make oyster stuffing and turtle meat to... Holidays

5 mo

Don't you think girls who wear micro shorts in public places are sluts?

Though micro buttshorts are tasteless, they are IN STYLE. I work putting people on cruise ships, and the number of ugly rear views, as in butts hanging out of shorts, and cheesy thighs is... Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

Guys, do you like nose rings on girls?

Less is more. These are all quite fashionable now, but think about how a nose piercing might cause you issues when you have a cold, as in, it leaks, and how painful it'll be while it heals. And... Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

Faux leather leggings, still in or trashy?

You've made the telling statement "faux." I think that's the only problem with these leggings. They are made out of polyester and lycra, and with the shiny exterior, they probably don't breathe,... Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

Is it possible to get used to not wearing underwear during the day?

OK, here's the 411 about underwear. Underwear wasn't invented to make anyone feel uncomfortable wearing it. Underwear was invented to prolong the wearing life of clothing. If damp or wet genitals... Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

Pants or dress which show curves more?

All according to the cut of the pants or the dress. Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

When are girls old enough to wear revealing swimwear?

A WOMAN is old enough to wear revealing swimwear when it's not going to embarrass her poor parents! So, just don't let your boobs, ass or anything else sexual hang out in front of them! Good luck. Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

What was your Halloween costume?

WItch Doctor. Doctor's scrubs, blood splattered all over them, Skeleton face with black eyes and blood red lips, press on spooky nails, fire pit burning in front yerd with "Witch Doctor" sign "The... Fashion & Beauty

6 mo

Why don't people who have messed up teeth and can afford it just go fix them?

Sounds pretty judgy of you. How do you know what people can afford? You don't have access to their lives or bank accounts. Maybe there's something more important like a car payment or their... Fashion & Beauty

7 mo

Do you like blondes? What are some impressions you have towards blondes?

Hair color tells you nothing about a person. Half of it comes out of a bottle anyway. So I have no impression of who or what a person is like because of hair color. Fashion & Beauty

7 mo

Should I wear this outfit to university?

Well, it's real sexy. I'd save that for a going-out events: date, concert, hanging out, football or other athletic event, other than class. Top looks like it's gonna pop off and skort is really... Fashion & Beauty

7 mo

What does a "clean-shaved" face tell you about a man?

Shows his complete facial structure. It doesn't "tell" you anything much besides he probably likes the look of his face. But some guys sport beards because they have reactions to ahaving: shave... Fashion & Beauty

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